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Zamil Group Holding Company vacancies

Zamil Group Holding Company is a global investment company with diverse interests and capabilities. Across the continents we provide innovative,

high quality and price competitive products and services as well as investment opportunities for investors, partners and stakeholders in the industrial, petrochemicals and services sectors.

Our range of products and services is expansive and spans air-conditioning manufacturing to plastics to steel fabrication and paints and cranes to heavy process equipment. We are also engaged in shipbuilding and repair, port operations and maintenance, petrochemicals and chemicals, industrial investment and general construction.

The energy driving our more than 60 sector businesses is our 21,000 strong workforce in more than 60 countries, vast manufacturing facilities and strong affiliations with numerous international partners

Zamil Group has always been a pioneer and a leader within the business community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With a carefully planned and actively implemented entrepreneurial and diversification strategy we have capitalized upon the Kingdom’s favorable economic conditions and the government’s support for the private sector, to harness new and promising opportunities.

Zamil Group began investing in the plastics industry nearly three decades ago. Our strategic path heralded our entry into capital intensive chemical and petrochemical projects in the early 1990s. These continue to provide rewarding growth opportunities.

click here to apply zamil group jobs>>>

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