whats app online time,We are well familiar with ‘WHATS APP’. majority of the people around us use whats app in their daily life.We use whats app for many purposes like chatting and calling.So anyway whats app is really a helpful application for everyone who use smartphone.
We use many applications in our smartphone.We use all of them with complete trust.Like that we use whatsapp also by expecting complete encryption.Through whatsapp we can able to upload our profile pictures and statuses.There are somany contacts in our whats app. When we upload our profile picture or status,they can able to see that.But in some cases,we may not like to show our profile and statuses to particular contacts due to some reasons.In such a case,this application is the most suitable one to you to use at that time.Simply we can say that,you can able to block them from seeing all your whats app activities.
By using this application you can able to show your profile pictures and statuses only to the selected contacts .That mean if you upload your status,it will be seen only whats app online time
by your selected contacts.So by using this application you can decide about your whats app privacy.You can also hide your ‘last seen’ from the selected contacts through this application.This application will also block their whats app incoming calls to your smartphone.So i think that all the whats app users must use this application as a ‘whats app assistant’.The outstanding features of this application is really like a whats app assist-or.whats app online time
click here to install this app
We introduce a number of applications on our website. Use it only at your own risk. Neither our searchjobz.com website will be liable for any adverse events caused by this.