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VLC for Android application

A video player app is very essential to every smartphone. There is a default video player in every smartphones. But there are many limitations in such apps. So you can’t able to use many more features with such applications. That’s why every people try a new video player APP other than the default video player application in their smartphone.


This is the name of the video player app that iam going to introduce today. Actually this is an awesome video player app. Because it provide many useful features. So by using all such features you can able to watch videos smoothly without facing any problems.

Video and Audio

In normal video player apps we can only able to play videos. But this app is not like that. You can able to play videos and audios using vlc. So you didn’t want to install an external app for play audios and songs.
VLC is also available for pc. But today we are discussing about the android version.
Supported formats
A these formats are support in vlc. So if you can’t able to play a video in your default app you can able to play it with vlc. Because vlc support almost all types of formats.
Multi track audio and subtitles are also available in vlc video player app. Other features available in vlc are given below.
Auto rotationAspect ratio adjustmentsGestures to control volume, brightness and seeking.


Install the app from the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post. Then provide necessary permissions to use the app perfectly. After that you can able to play videos and videos. If you can’t able to find videos you can search for it in the files.
So that’s all about the vlc video player app.Share your feedback after use the app.
See you soon


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