video to mp3 converter .Hi friends ,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you. Iam sure that you may see many applications like this. But the important fact about this application is. This application have many attractive and useful features that will help you a lot. The features of this application is spread to many different sectors. So this video to mp3 converter is a very useful one for many people who have many different types of professions.
The name of this application is ‘VID COMPACT’.First of all I will describe the features of this application.They are video converter,mp3 converter,video compressor for Android,video trimmer,video size reducer.
If you want to use the features of this application,install it in your smartphone. After that open it and give necessary permissions.At that time,you can able to see there four options.The first option is ‘TRIM AND COMPRESS’.By using this awesome feature,
. you can able to trim and compress a video very easily and lastly. That means,if there is a big size video in your smartphone and you want to reduce it’s size length and size. This feature will help you for that.For that select this option and select any video in your smartphone.After that reduce it’s size and customize the quality.After that click on the icon appear above on the screen to save the edited video to gallery or to upload to any social media applications.
The next feature is ‘CONVERT TO MP4’.By using this feature,you can able to convert a video into audio. By using this feature,you can able to edit the beginning time,ending time and quality to reduce it’s size.
The third feature is ‘BATCH COMPRESSION’.By using this feature,you can able to customize the quality of a video. With the help of this feature,you can also able to delete the original video of the customized video.
The fourth features of this application is ‘VIDEO TO MP3‘.With the help of this feature. You can able to convert a video into mp3. In this feature,you can also able to edit the beginning and ending time the video.
In the last option ‘MY STUDIO’,you can able to see your edited videos and converted audios.
So anyway,these are the attractive and very useful features of this application. If you want to use the outstanding features of this application. I recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.