There are many different types of apps that we can’t able to avoid in our daily life. Gmail is a very useful app which is a part of Google. When we consider the installation process of gmail app, it’s not like others. You didn’t want to install gmail in your smartphone. Because it is already pre installed in your smartphone. If you are a oc user follow the steps to use gmail.
Step 1 : Open ChromeStep 2 : Click on the dots appear right side above on the screenStep 3 : Select Gmail from thereStep 4 : Start using Gmail in pc

Now you know that how to use Gmail in a smartphone and pc. Now I will share you the features of Gmail. A new update is done in the Gmail app. In this update a new feature is added. I will mention that on the last part of this article. So read this article completely to understand all about the Gmail app. 
Here you can able to see all the mails you received. All of them are sorted according to the date. So if you want to read an old mail, just scroll down to the date that you received particular mail.
All the important mails are listed in this section. So open this section to see all the important mails received to your mail.
If you feel any mail as an important one, you can provide a star for it. So you can easily able to recognise the important mails in this section.
So these are the important features of Gmail. Now i’m going to reveal the new feature. It is none other than Integration of Google meet app with Gmail app.

Google meet is a very familiar app from Google itself. It is used to make video conference in smartphone and pc. You can use Google meet in pc by follow the above mentioned steps used to use Gmail in pc.

Anyway you can use Google meet app now in Gmail app like the same before. So this is the new update. Utilise it now and share your feedback.
See you soon.


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