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Soul effect template

Hi friends,toady i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.Iam sure that this application is really an useful one for everyone.So you must install this application.
By using this application in your smartphone,you can able to bring the music in the screen in an explosion of bright colours.This is one of the important feature of this application.But this is not the only feature of this application.This application have many outstanding features.If you are a music lover and you have a passion in music,this application is an exact option for you.
So let me introduce the other feature of this application.This application visualise sound and music coming from the other applications.Iam sure that this is also one of the best feature of this application.

This application will also help you to display dramatically the artist name and track name for most popular music players.
By using the shortcut feature,you can able to link your favourite music player application.This application also have extensive colour and shape for tweak.These are the features of this application.But the another attractive feature of this application is glistening particles.This will keep the screen alive with motion even when music is not playing.
So these are the features of this application.If you want to use the above mentioned features of this application,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.


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