Hide smartphone’s screen while working
Hi guys, what’s up ! Are you waiting for another review of some awesome applications? If your reply is yes, you will get it today the review that you waiting for. So today we are going to add another awesome application to the list of applications that we introduced through this website.One of the important thing about this application is there is no exception in the case of the smartphone users who can install this application. Because this application is very useful one for everyone who use a smartphone. Because the features provided by this application is applicable to all types of smarrtphones.Actually this is an android application.

Screen hiding
Do you know what is screen hiding feature ? Screen hiding is a feature which help you to save battery very much. And you can also use this application for many other purposes. But many people are not aware about this feature and the apps that provide this type of features.So read this article complete for understand all the details and features of this app.
While you use many applications in your smartphone like games it will definitely affect the battery. That means while you play some games of high graphics the battery will drain vastly.Due to this problem you can’t able to use your smartphone for important purposes.
This feature is also useful in many different situations.That means you can able to use this feature while downloading. For example while you download an additional file for some high graphics games like pubg and pess, the downloading will be stop when you close the smartphone. It is really a discuisting thing the download will be stop when it become nearly to complete the download.
But in the case of this app you can able to save your battery very much. Because during this time you can able to close the screen of your smartphone in an another way.
Screen working when off
Are you excited when read this side heading ? But it is real. Like I said above you can able to off the screen while working. For example if you want to hear your favourite song and it’s more file is not there in your smartphone, what will you do ?
You want to watch it from the apps like youtube. At that time you can’t able to put your smartphone in your pocket or somewhere like that. Because at that time the touch will work and the video will be paused or cancelled. This really an irritating thing. So what can you able to do to solve this problem ?
Here is the solution for that. You can able to hide your screen while it working. So you can able to keep your smartphone anywhere like pocket. There will not happen nothing in the screen while you enable this feature.
How to hide screen ?
First of all enable all the permissions. At that time you can able to see a floating icon on the screen. This feature will be enabled when you touch on the floating icon. You can also able to remove it by holding on it and drag it to the cancel icon appear down on the screen.
Hide screen feature for pc
This feature is also available for pc. You can search for it and use after download it from some particular websites.
How to install
Click on the download now button appear on the below this post.
See you soon with another tech updates.