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Singapore airlines job vacancies

Professions at SIA

With a pledge to armada modernisation, item and administration advancement and market initiative, Singapore Airlines has developed into one of the world’s most regarded travel brands.

Our prosperity has been through the endeavours of our kin. We enrol brilliant and dynamic people, and prepare them with a financial plan surpassing $125 million in a year – to achieve the most noteworthy measures of expert and individual skill.

Have any kind of effect

We urge staff to help have any kind of effect in the groups that they serve. Ahead of the pack up to Singapore’s 50th birthday in August 2015, the Airline sorted out a progression of gathering pledges occasions including the SIA Charity Gala Dinner and the SIA Charity Run.

With the support of around 500 staff volunteers, an aggregate of $2.5 million was raised for the Community Chest of Singapore, a non-benefit association that raises reserves for some philanthropies in Singapore. This was coordinated dollar-for-dollar by the Singapore Government, lifting all out assets raised to about $5 million.

More than 300 Community Chest recipients, a number of whom had never flown, were likewise treated to a unique flight on the Airbus A380, the world’s biggest business air ship.

In July 2015, the Airline additionally opened the entryways of its preparation focus to people in general surprisingly for a select in the background take a gander at how its pilots and lodge team are prepared. All returns earned from the SIA Open House exercises were given to the Community Chest of Singapore.

click here to apply Singapore jobs 

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