Hello guys, welcome back to another tech update..now I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is”short cut maker”. it’s formerly developed for creating shortcuts for anything you want..and you can simply add that one to homescreen..

This is a best quality App which provides you a lot of advanced features and advantages for you.we are sure that you will be so amazed and happy while you using this application. because it gives you shortcuts of anything you want to copy and add to homescreen…the expert panel of application are updating always for betterment of making this more comfortable and affordable

By using this application you can simply create shortcuts on android home screen for anything you want from your android.after creating the shortcuts you can also use it to launch an activity from installed Application. after completion of this procedure you will get a distinguished App to restore and create the best quality short cut application

Activities of the application

  • Create shortcut of installed apps and activities
  • Folder and files: create shortcut of folder and files from internal storage
  • Intents: create shortcut of android system intents along with the default App
  • Quick settings: create shortcut to quickly change your system settings
  • Website: shortcut for your favourite website
    User requested: features that are requested by users

This application helps you to become more satisfied and happy..it is a necessary application in our current situation.. All are engaged with their own responsibilities and duties..they have no more enough time to create an authentic atmosphere of happiness in their android device…but while using this application you may avail more comfortable and affordable time for your happiness and relaxation

These are relevant informations about above mentioned application.. we are sure that you guys got it well..and also we extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with next tech update…


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