Hi friends,today i would like to introduce a very useful application for you.This application is really useful for all smartphone users.Now a day,majority of the smartphone users use social media applications like whats app and Facebook in their smartphone.The name of the application is ‘WFVS’.
This application have many attractive and useful features that will help the whats app users very well.Now i will describe one feature among the useful features of this application.When we use whats app,we may upload many photos and videos as our status.At that time if you share a video as your status that have a duration more than 30 seconds,the remaining part after 30 seconds will be automatically removed.So we can’t able to upload the full video.Due to this feature of whats app,many people were not interested in uploading videos as their whats app status.Because they can’t able to upload a lengthy video.
But in some cases,the users may edit the video and upload the continuation of that video next to it.This is a very risky task.But this application will help you to solve this problem.With the help of this application,you can able to edit a lengthy video into correct 30 seconds videos.If you select a lengthy video from the option ‘set a full video status’,you will get many continues parts of the selected video.
This is the first feature of this application.
The next feature is ‘status saver’.By using this feature,you can able to save the whats app statuses in your smartphone including photos And videos.By using this feature,you can able to download and save the status of your friends and family members very easily.This is the second feature of this application.
The next feature of this application is ‘converted audio’.By using this feature,you can able to convert a status video into audio.You can also able to download this converted audio and set this audio as your ringtone.
In the ‘saved’ option,you can able to see the download videos and images.So these are the attractive and very useful features of this application.If you want to use the above mentioned features of this application,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.