Today we’re going to introduce you to the application whats app users.  This is an application that helps us to unlock our Whats App without having seen anyone else and locking it with PIN Number And pattern lock

 We have introduced this before an application has been launched.  But those applications can be used as a simple. in short You can easily secure your private and group WhatsApp chat(s) and maintain their privacy using a PIN. The best part is, it can not only lock chats, but it even has the ability to secure the complete app using a single PIN.  This app is a great feature and I think it will be  not lost memory on the phone if we install it on our phone.  our phone does not have any advantage over installing it.  This app is unique and very useful as it focuses on your privacy and security. By tapping on the ‘+’ icon, you can add a PIN of your choice to your private chats and stop worrying about them being accessed by others when your Android device is left unlocked. Concealing your private data is as easy as 1-2-3 with Locker for Whats Chat App.COLLAPSE
You can download this app from Play Store by downloading the link I downloaded in the link below.  Those who have an Android phone can download this application by clicking on the link below.  We will post another post for those who are on iPhone.
A lot of similar apps are available on Apple Store.  Many people have asked about it.  Soon we will tell you about an application that will be used on the iPhone.  This application is quite free and can be helpful.  The application can also be used to lock and chat only one person with a personal wattsap.  Therefore, the chat history of others who have been hijacked by our WhatsApp search will not be available to others. Another thing to note is that when you install this application, you must provide your recovery email ID.  Recovery mail ID will be required if you ever forget your password and get it back.

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