how to print out your call logs.The application that I introduce today is really a help full one for all smartphone users. We call many people from our smartphone.After we call anyone,the name of the person or the phone number of the incoming/outgoing caller will be appear in your call log.But the call log has a limit.That means,call log contains the incoming and outgoing call history of a few days.It will be extend up to one month.
But,you can’t able to find the number of anyone who call you one or two month before with your default call log.In this case,this application is really a help full one for you.Because this application will provide you the call history of any time.
how to print out your call logs.The call history of your smartphone will be automatically removed when new call history will appeared.But in some cases,we may need the call history of one month or two months before.At that time you will not get it.But if you are a user of this application,you can able to take the call history of anytime.That means,if you want you will get the call history of the first time itself after you buy your smartphone.You can also able to save the list that you recover using this awesome application.
Sometimes,we may search for some phone numbers in our call log that come so-many months before.This recovery will be need in some important occasions like case investigation e.t.c.That means,If we need our call log that begin from the first time,we may approach the officials of our sim card company.But we didn’t get it very easily.There are somany conditions to get it.And also sometimes,it will be get to police officers or to high officials only.
how to print out call logs
But,i repeat you will get it simply using this application.Using this application,you can also able to recover the messages that you receive. I t is also a simple task and it will be a highly useful one at sometimes.
This feature will help you to recover some important messages that you will receive months before.Sometimes,we may forget to take some important messages that you get so-many months before.It may be a official message.If we miss it,it may be great lose.But don’t worry.You can able to recover with this application.