Home / Android Aplication / ‘PIXA MOTION APPLICATION


Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an awesome application for you and iam sure that this application is really an useful one for all smartphone users especially to the people who found their passion in the field of photography and editing.

This application will really help them to become a legend in their field by acquiring a different type of editing and some other tricks.
If you want to become a legend in above mentioned fields,this application will help you for that.The name of the application is ‘PIXA MOTION’.By using this application you can able to make your photos more beautiful and attractive one.
Now,i would like to note down the difference between a photo and video.In the case of a photo,it is like a statue or we can say that it is an unmovable thing.But video is a moving one.This is the major difference between a photo and a video.
This is a common feature of both photos and videos and all of you know this.But after install and use this application in your smartphone,you will not say that a photo is not a statue or an unmovable one.
The awesome and attractive features of this application will give a new face to your photos and make it a movable one.
First of all install this application in your smartphone and open it.After that select any photo from your gallery or from the gallery of this application.
After that select the application or any thing that you would like to upload the edited photos like Instagram,Instagram story,Facebook profile,Facebook cover,you tube,snap chat,twitter,pinterest,blog spot,Facebook ad,cover and other dimensions like 2:3,3: 2,3:4,4: 3,9:16:,16:9.
After that select the option ‘animate’ to make your photos movable one.For that drag through the photos in some particular ways as per see in this option.In this option there are some other features like zoom,motion,speed,geometry,pin,erase,mask,unmask and loop.
In the ‘overlay’ option,you can able to select your favorite overlay and in ‘element’ option you can able to select some moving objects like butterfly and some other things.
Other features are ‘camera FX’,’adjust’,’audio’ and ‘filters’.In the audio option you can able to add some audio to the photo and in filters option,you can able to select your favorite filter.
These are the attractive features of this application which help you to make a photo as a video by adding so many beautiful effects.

If you want to add all above mentioned attractive features to your photo very easily,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.


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