Hi guys, today iam here to introduce a very useful app for you. Before that i want to tell something to you. It is definitely sure that all of you have your own smartphone. People who didn’t owna atleast a single smartphone is very rare now. So while you use your smartphone you will definitely use many different kinds of apps in it. All those apps are for different purposes.
While you recieve apps in your smartphone especially social media apps, you may receive notifications from it. In the case of apps like whatsapp, instagram e.t.c, you will recieve many message continuously. So how did you see that. Either with the help if the notification sound or seeing it from the notification bar.

So you can able to see many notifications from many different types of apps on your notification bar. If you are an user of an old type smartphone or smartphone having low internal storage or RAM, your smartphone will face a lag while see the notifications or using any apps.
This is really a big problem which definitely want to solve. So this app will help you to solve this problem. Which means by using this app you can easily able to clear all the notification you recieve to your smartphone. So the merit of this app is your smartphone will not keep so much notifications. It will be cleared with the help of this app.

If you enable this feature you can able to use your smartphone smoothly without facing a lag and other issues that you faced sue to this problem.
For that, first if all install this app in your smartphone. After that open it. At that time, enable the necessary settings fir use this apps and select allow for permissions.

If you completed these steps, this app will start it’s working.
Try this app of you want to try it in your smartphone. Don’t forget to post your feedback after use this app in your smartphone.


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