Last time we introduced a background removal app. Now iam going to introduce qn app for you which will help you to make the background of your photos attractive one.The name of this app is Line camera.

You may not understand about the features of this app now. But don’t worry. I will give you a detailed review of this app. By using this app you can able to make your photos fun and attractive.
This app contain everything that you need to make your photos as an attractive one.This app have a great camera. So you can able to capture your photos with this camera. The line camera have many features. It will help you to capture quality photos for edit and make it as an wonderful photo.

Line app also provide you many editing tools. They are given below.
1) Crop2) Filters3) Brightness, exposure like features4) Borders5) Stickers6) Paint7) Skin tone
You can able to use all these features while edit your photos. It will make your photos an attractive one if you use all of them correctly. 
How to select images
You have two different ways to select images for editing.
1) Capture image with Line camera2) Select image from your gallery
You can also able to make a collage with this app. While you make a collage you can able to select the collage design. You can able to include photos in collage as per the design. If you select two photo collage then you can only able to make a collage with two photos.
In this feature you can able to do painting. For that this app provide you many different types of canvases. After selecting canvas you can able to start painting by select design. You can use various tools while painting.
If you want more attractive elements in your photo you can able to buy it from this app itself.
So that’s all about this app. Start exit your photos now. See you soon.


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