Hi friends,today i would like to introduce a different type of application that will really attract you to install this awesome application in your smartphone.First of all let me introduce the name of this latest photo editing application.The name of this application is ‘NO CROP’.This application is really an useful one for all smartphone users who would like to edit their photos to make it attractive one.
We all are social media application’s users like whats app,Facebook and Instagram. The users if this application will upload many photos and videos to it.When we look to the features of this types of applications especially like Facebook,Instagram and snap chat,we can’t able to upload a photo in it’s original size.
You can able to upload the photos into Instagram and to other applications like this by adjusting or reduce it’s size.But when we adjust the size or crop the photo,some attractive parts of the photo will be removed and the photo remain as not a beautiful one.In some cases,we may try to upload a group photo with our friends,a part and our friends in that side will also disappeared.So we will refuse to upload that photo into the applications like Instagram,Facebook Snap chat e.t.c.
This problem is also occurred when we set a new profile picture in our whats app.
But this application will help you to solve this problem.By using this application,you can able to upload a photo without losing a part of it.This application also have some other attractive features also. Through this application,you can able to add awesome and attractive effects and sketch effects.The next feature of this application will really attract you and it also help you to make your photos more beautiful.That is neon spiral effects.You will get this attractive feature from this application for free.
You can able to make collage having attractive frames with photos through this application.This application also contain many stickers and filters.So anyway,we can simply say that,this is a complete photo editing application especially for the people who use the social media applications like whats app,Instagram, Facebook and Snap chat.
If you want to enjoy the above mentioned attractive features of this application,i recommend you to install this application.