Hello, today iam here to introduce a very useful application fir you. All of you are smartphone users. While you use your smartphone you may familiar with many different types of features in it. Likewise you are also well aware with pdf.
There are many different types of files. Pdf is one among them. Pdf or document file is a common used thing by all of us.
You can also able create a pdf. Now a days many different types of people use pdf files for many purposes including official things.

Actually pdf is very easy to use. You can also able to edit the pdf files using some particular applications.
The majority pdf that you see are the files of texts. But do you think that what if there is an image also in a pdf file. It is very useful one for many people. For example, if you are a teacher and you want to create a study note for your children it is very useful to the students and they can also able to learn the topics very easily if there is also images in it. It will improve the quality of your presentation.
But many people didn’t know how to convert a image to a pdf file. If you didn’t know how to convert an image to pdf file you just want to follow dome few steps.
First of all install this application using the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post. Then open the application. After that select the images that you want to convert into PDF file.
You can also able to deselect the selected photo very easily. For that you just want to long press on tbe image that you want to convert into PDF file.
If you want to create an official or important pdf file to share with someone you must want to ensure it’s security. But how can you do that ? You can able to ensure the security for your pdf file by set a password for particular pdf file. If anyone want to open the password protected pdf they must want o enter the correct password.
So that’s all about this application. If you want to convert images into PDF file, install this application now itself.
See you soon with another tech update.