What we make is not simply the result of center gathering tests, but rather of watching and regarding how people associate with innovation. Our clients manage all that we do at HTC, and it’s this dedication that characterizes the organization. By setting clients at the heart of all that we do,

we make things straightforward and make a special effort to achieve the inconceivable by surpassing desires and summoning shock.


The HTC Foundation grasps the compassionate soul of common guide and advances character training by helping schools to complete character instruction for kids and young people. We advance character-building projects and classes as a component of a push to empower metro support in Taiwan. Since 2008, the establishment’s Pan Shi (interpretation “Bedrock”) Education Project has given an aggregate of NT$ 24 million in subsidizing, preparing and grants for 768 unique schools, and 68,000 instructors and understudies all through Taiwan. In China’s remote northwest districts, we additionally give various grants to understudies from low-salary family units (Sichuan Province, Liaoning Province and Qinghai Province) and have done as such since 2007.

The HTC Child Support Group was established in 2006 as a representative activity. The club sorts out gift drives with all returns setting off to the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families to help support youngsters in need. More than 300 representatives and the Employee Welfare Committee raise more than 3 million NT dollars for each year. The cash was utilized to support 254 kids including youngsters from Guatemala, Indonesia, the Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Kyrgyzstan and Paraguay. Besides, HTC accomplices with World Vision Taiwan to give training financing to youngsters from low-pay family units in Central America and Africa.


Title Location
E-commerce Operations Assistant United Kingdom
Digital Community Marketing Manager United Kingdom
Business Executive/ Junior Finance Manager United Kingdom
Key Account Manager United Kingdom
Sales Manager (Nordics) – Virtual Reality Sweden
Manager, Market IntelligenceSan Francisco,  WA, United States
Partner Marketing ManagerSeattle,  WA, United States
Sr. Manager, Social MediaSan Francisco,   WA, United States
Sr. Retail Marketing Manager, ViveSeattle,  WA, United States
Sr. Visual Designer, MarketingSeattle,  WA, United States
VR Content Marketing Manager  WA, United States
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