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how to install two same app one mobile

Hi everyone,today i introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application is ‘V MOS’.This application is based on ‘virtual machine’ technology.Y ou can able to root your smartphone simply using this application.how to install two same app one mobile

This application also provide some other outstanding features for your smartphone.If you install this application it will rebuild your smartphone to a new one.

You can install this application as a normal app that you download from play store.But the feature of this application is not like other applications.It will definitely attracted you to this application.Through virtual machine technology you can install this application in Android smart phones or in Linux.So that mean this application is well suitable for all devices.The another important feature of this application is,this application is not controlled by your android system.

Two android system your phone

Vmos virtualizes a new operating system in your smartphone.So if you are a user of this application,you can able to use a same application for twice through this application.We can use vmos as a normal application.But really,this is a virtual machine software.

Some people will root their smartphone due to some particular reasons.But if you are a vmos user,you can able to root your smartphone by just one click.You can use two social medias account in one device itself by using this application.The another outstanding feature is,you can use two applications at a same time.That is,If you are seeing a video in youtube,at that time itself you can play a game.This is a really amazing feature.

You can install the ‘VMOS’ in the smartphones that have 32 gb internal storage and 3 gb ram.It is sure that all of us have these variant smartphones.So it is definitely sure that this application will take your smartphone to a new world of virtualization and other features .So try this application for achieving a new and amazing face for your smartphone.

We introduce a number of applications on our website. Use it only at your own risk. Neither our searchjobz.com website will be liable for any adverse events caused by this.

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