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how to control mobile phone data

how to control mobile phone inter net data.Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.This application is really a useful one to all smartphone users.The name of the application is ‘NO ROOT FIREWALL’.

This application help you to protect your internet privacy. This application protect your personal information from being send to internet.So after install this application,you can able to make your internet usage and personal data as a secure one.

We install many applications in our smartphone for many purposes.When we install those applications they may ask for a permission to access our datas.Majority of the people will give the permission without reading the policy of those applications.But if we itself give them permission,they can able to take all the things in our smartphone.After that they may be access our smartphone for many times due to our permission that we give at the time of installing.But if you are a user of this application,you can able to protect your privacy like internet usage and personal datas.

This is a firewall application without root.If any application in your smartphone will try to access your internet,a notification will send to you describing this.So you can able to prevent it easily.So due to the presence of this application in your smartphone,any applications in your smartphone can’t able to access your smartphone and track your internet usage. how to control mobile phone inter net data

We use our smartphone and internet for many important purposes.We keep many important things in our smartphone and also in our internet accounts.If you will give a permission to any applications to access your internet,they can able to see your all details that you keep in the internet.But this application will protect you from all that purposes.

If you are a internet user and and a user of many applications i recommend you to install this application.Because this application will protect your smartphone’s activities and act as a security to your smartphone and internet usage.

click here to use this app

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