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How Move Files To SD Card

One of the problems faced by some is that the phone’s memory is suddenly full.So when you download the video and video message from Whats App,

the memory is full massage coming .can not be downloaded.Similarly, the messages from the Play Store show that memory is full while installing the application.In the time you take the photo, the memory is written in the memory that your phone is full.It also takes longer than any app to open and the phone becomes a hangout,Everything mentioned above is a problem facing each of us when using mobile phones.When this type of problems arrives A new memory card will be deposited to the mobile phone and a photo video on the phone will be copied onto the memory card.It is necessary to find time to photograph the video and do the same with other data.In such cases I introduce you to an application that automatically moves our data to the memory card while our mobile phone memory is complete.This application is useful for devices with small phone memory and which do not allow saving your files directly to memory card.In So By installing this application you will lose only a very small amount of space from your phone, so it does not cause your phone to be slow.You can go to the Google Play Store and look at this application rating 4.2..So let us understand that this application is trustworthy application as well as the application that most people use.It is interesting that this application is designed to be used by anyone.
This app can be installed and installed on all devices using Android software.This app can not be used on Apple phones. Let’s talk about an application that’s on the Apple phone Another post.You can download this application by clicking on the link below.Share this application and share it with other people once you like it
click here to download this application>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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