Home / Android Aplication / GAMING MODE ON MOBILE PHONE


We play a number of games in our smartphone.Among that some games are our favorite one.So,today i would like to introduce an awesome application related to games.The name of the application is ‘GAMING MODE-THE ULTIMATE GAME EXPERIENCE BOOSTER’.Using this application,you can able to perform as a legend in the world of games.

When we play some games in our smartphone,we may feel a lag or uncomfortable.Due to this problem,we can’able to play that game very well.Majority of the people must faced this problem atleast for one time.But using this application,you can able to solve all such problems.The features that you enabled will applied automatically to the selected games.Now-a-days Majority of the smartphone provide many gaming controlling system and other gaming features.But these features will not get in some smartphones.At that time,they can approach this application for that purpose.

This application have also many other attractive features.The first among them is,all the incoming calls will be automatically rejected while you play a game.Due to many notifications,majority of us were faced a problem while playing games.It is a disturbance to us while we playing games.But using this application,you can able to block all the notifications that you will receive while playing games.This application also clear the background applications to free up RAM and for good performance for games.

using this application, your WI-FI will be automatically off when you begin a game.You can also able to enable the ‘AUTO MODE’ that automatically detects the selected games and apply the configured settings and it will also stopped when stop the game.As i said above,all the background applications will be automatically cleared while starting a game.But,you can also able to select any applications that will not closed while other background applications become closed.

This is the one and only gaming mode application in play store that provide you these much attractive features to boost your gaming performance.So just try this application for entering to the new world of amazing games with better performance.

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