Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an gallery lock application for you.The name of the application is ‘SECRET GALLERY’.When you read the name of the application,at that time itself you will understand about this gallery lock application.Actually,this application help you to hide your personal and important photos and videos securely and secretly.
We all are the smartphone users.We keep many important things in our smartphone like photos and videos.But when we keep all these things in our smartphone normally,anyone who take our smartphone can able to find and see it.But,if you are a user of this application,you can able to hide your personal photos and videos.
There are so many applications in play store that provide this feature.But anyone who take your smartphone can easily able to find the presence of that application easily.This application have so many attractive and awesome features.One among them is,you can able to change the icon of the application into the icon of other applications.
That means,you can able to change the icon into browser applications like google and chrome.Due to this reason,anyone other than you can’t able to find the presence of this application behind the browser application.If anyone of your friends will find the presence of this application,they can’t able to open it.Because when they open the application,it will be quite like the common chrome or google.
Now you have a doubt.How can you able to open the application and how go see the hidden photos and videos.It is also very easy.After open the application,just type your password instead of search any other things.
You can also able to use this gallery lock application as a common browser application.So anyway this is a useful application for all who want to hide their personal photos and videos.If you want to enjoy the hiding and browsing features of this application just install this application.