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editor for Instagram

Welcome back to the tech update of searchjobz.com. Today also we are going to add another awesome application to the list of applications that we introduced through this website.Guys, what is your opinion about the previous application that we introduced for you ? I think all of them are really useful one for all of our subscribers. This is a world of smartphones. now a days different types of smartphones are released on each day having many different types of awesome features.

So along with that many different types of applications are also released for such different types of smartphones.Likewise today I am going to introduce a very useful for everyone who use smartphone.When we say that this is for the people who use smartphone it is definitely sure that now a days almost 99 percentage of the world population must use atleat a single smartphone.

The name of the application that we are going to introduce today is mostory. if you didn’t get anything about this application while you see the name, don’t worry. Just look at the second word of the name of this application. This application is related to story. Strong means people who use the social media application Instagram will update many different types of stories.
In the case of whatsapp, it is said to be status. But the activity is almost same. But in the case of instagram, it provide many awesome features for help you to make your stories more attractive.
By updating awesome stories you will get more followers also. For that you can use this application.

You can able to use this application for make creative stories. For 
Edit ready-made template
Like I mentioned above this app provide many readymade templates. This application provide many different types of ready-made templates related to many different types of situations.

How to add a photo
You can also able to add photos to the ready-made template very easily. For that select the template which you want. Then click on the ” + ” icon appear below the screen. You can able to select the appropriate photo that you want to add to the template.
Add text
You can also able to add different types of texts in different styles related to the picture through this app. It is a very simple task. 
All the templates are really awesome. So try this app for know more about this app.
Ser you soon with another tech update


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