Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application is ‘DUPLICATE FILE FIXER’.This application is really an useful one for all smartphone users.If you are a user of this Duplicate Files Fixer application,you can able to make your smartphone clean.
While you use a smartphone,we may keep many files,documents and photos in your smartphone.Sometimes the size of some files are so big and the presence of such type of files will affect the smooth running of the smartphone due to lagging.If you face such a problem in your smartphone,you may delete many files and folders in your smartphone without looking that,is it an important one or not.If you do like that,it may be a reason for many big losses.
In this case,this application will help you For solve this problem.By using this application you can able to find the presence of the files that have the same copies more than one.If such type of files are big in size it may lose a big space in your smartphone.That means two copies of same files will be finded by this application and you can able to delete it.Due to that you can also able to avoid the lag and the problems due to low Internal space.
Another feature of this Duplicate Files Fixer application is finding the copies of same photo and delete it.It can also help you to free the storage of your smartphone.
If you want to find the duplicate files in your smartphone,just open the application and select the scan option.After that you can able to find the duplicate photos,videos,folders e.t.c in your smartphone.
I am sure that this application is really an useful one for all smartphone users to free up their storage just with a single touch.So if you want to free up your smartphone by clean the duplicate files,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.