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Dubai municipality job vacancies

The beginning of Dubai Municipality was established in 1954 starting its exercises with a unit of seven representatives undertaking straightforward errands in cleaning the city.

The primary declaration building up the Municipality was on February 28, 1957, whereby 23 city board individuals had been delegated from the older folks of the nation and dealers with restricted forces, the most essential of which was to deal with wellbeing and engineering issues of the city and also to sort out development and beautification of the city and give helpful recommendations to the legislature.

In 1961 Sheik Rashid canister Saeed Al Maktoum, Dubai’s ruler issued requested the foundation of Dubai Municipality Council.

Dubai Municipality passed a progression of developmental stages during that time of its increased errands, including:

In the 1 974 His Highness Sheik Rashid container Saeed Al Maktoum, God rest his spirit, issued an announcement building up the district, which invalidated the previous request to set up the region and expressed to set up the new Dubai Municipality having autonomous attributes,

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