Hello everyone. Welcome to the introduction of another awesome app. Today we are going to add one useful app to the list of the awesome apps that we introduced through this website.We already introduced many different kinds and special apps through this website. Likewise this data controller app is also a special one. Because this app provide a very useful feature. I will describe about it. So for understand more about this data controller data controller app, read this article completely. The internet / data controller for android The name of this app is ” Average data usage widget ” . I think you many understand a little about this app while you see the name of this app. If dodn’t, i will give you all the details about this app.All of you are internet users. There should be data on your smartphone on everytime. Some people recharge unlimited plans to their smartphone. In such cases there should be a limited data on each day and it should be enough for internet use for sometime. Who can use data controller app Some people recharge less data to their smartphone. In such cases there is no daily limit on data. It …
Hi everyone. What’s up ! Hope you are going good. Today iam here to introduce an awesome app for you which is really an useful one for all smartphones users. We know that, now a days each and everyone who own a smartphone must use internet in their smartphone. Internet is necessary now a days. Because it is necessary fir using social media apps like Whatsapp, facebook, instagram, messenger e.t.c. I only mentioned these apps because there is also some other apps. But the mentioned apps are the best apps mostly used by the smartphone users. While you use internet you may lost some part of your daily internet due to the unwanted intervention of some apps that you installed in your smartphone.You may lose a high data likewise on each day and also it will prevent you from using internet for very urgent and important matters. So it is definitely sure that it is a huge problem. But you can able to solve this problem using this app. So for understand all the details of this app, read this article completely.First of all I would like to introduce the first feature of this app. is you can able to …
Hi guys, today iam here to introduce an awesome application for you. I am definitely sure that you may not see such an application before. Because the features of this application are extraordinary one. Try this app in your smartphone for experience the awesome features of this app.The name of this app is ” button mappper ” . Do you understand anything while you see the name of this app. If you didn’t understand anything about this app read this article completely to understand more about this app.By using this app you can able to replace the touch button of your smartphone like home button, back button e.t.c to the volume buttons.You doesn’t want to root your smartphone to install this app. HOW TO CREAT HOME BUTTON YOUR MOBILE PHONE This app is really an useful one for the people who own the smartphone having touch problems like technical problems.If the home button of your smartphone didn’t work, gou can able to convert the feature or action of the home button to the volume button.If you do like that you just want to read the volume button to go to Home page of your smartphone. You can use this feature …
Hi guys, today iam going to add another awesome app to the list of the apps that we introduced through this website. Iam definitely sure that this is really an useful app fir everyone who own a smartphone. If you install this app in your smartphone you can able to enjoy many extra features in your smartphone.The name of this app is ” files ” . You may understand a little bit about this app while you see the name of this app. Actually this is a file manager app. But you can’t alle to consider this app as a normal file manager app. Like i mentioned above this app comes with many awesome and useful features. I will tell you all about that. So read this article completely to understand all the details about this app.By using this app you can able to manage the files in your smartphone. You can also able to find and delete the big and the files that didn’t use for a while or doesn’t want.So if you own a old type of smartphone having low internal storage, you can easily able to find the big files and delete it. By doing this you …
Hi guys, today iam going to introduce a very useful app for you. Along with that iam also going to introduce the website of this app which provide the same features of the app.Iam definitely sure that you may not see such an app before and that’s why Iam going to introduce this app for you. You must want to try this app atleast for a single time while you use your smartphone.The name of this app is ” my heritage ” . The name of this website is also myheritage.com.The main feature of this app is animate the photos. What do you means by a photo ? A photo will not move. But it will changed now. Now onwards every photos begin to move. That means you can able to change a photo into a video using this app and website.For that you want to sign up on thi website or app for free. If you upload any photos into it without sign up, it will automatically delete to protect your privacy.You cana also able to build your family tree from this app by adding a few names. This website’s automatic matching technology will help you expand your family …
Read More »Video Eraser is a watermark cleaner that removes
Hi guys, today I am going to introduce a very useful application for everyone. but this application is specialised to for the people who are interested in video making and editing. I am definitely sure that all of you must want to try this app for an entirely different experience. The name of this app is ” video eraser ” . While you see the name of this application you may understand that this application is related to video editing.Yes, you are right. But the features provided by this application to edit videos is entirely different and really surprising.If you are a video creator, you may use many video editing applications. In the case of the free version of many video editing apps there will be a water mark of particular application while you edit and export the video.So in the case of video creators this not suitable to the video. So if you are a video creative you must try to remove it. This app will help you for that. by using this app you can easily able to remove the watermark of any video editing apps in the videos.If you remove the watermark from the videos it will …
Read More »Photo Editor with Background Eraser
Hi guys, today iam going to introduce a very useful app for you. This is one of the best app that we introduced through this website. Iam definitely sure that you will definitely install this app in your smartphone when you know more about this app. So read this article completely to know more about this app. The name of this app is ” magicut ” . I think you didn’t understand anything while you see the name of this app. But don’t worry. I will help you to know more about this app.It is sure that majority of the people who read this article must use a smartphone. You may capture many different types of photos in your smartphone.Photo editing tools or apps is an essential factor fir everyone who would like to take good photos and edit it.For that this app will help you. This app provide you almost all the editing solution for edit a photo in your smartphone.This app mainly focus on the features like 1) Cute cut picture editor2) Photo shop3) Background eraser4) Puzzle photo editor If your photo contain a sky, you can easily able to remove it and apply new background to your …
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