Hi guys, today we are going to introduce an entirely different application. You may not see or use such an application before. This Android application will really help you in many situations. So read this article completely to understand each and every details of this application. XEFX This is the name of this application. You may not understand nothing from the name of this application. But don’t worry. When you complete reading this article you will understand the uses of the features of this application. Actually this is a D3D camera,Photo animator and wallpaper application. If you didn’t know what it is I will give you a brief.By using this application you can able to animate photos through a different method. For that this application provide many awesome tools. So if you apply these features in normal photos you will feel it like the particular normal photo is converted to an animated photo. This is one of the best feature of this application. But it’s not only the tools on this application. There are lot of other tools which will help you to bring many awesome effects in your photos. There are more than 200 effects in this application. So …
Read More »AppLock Master Application
Hello, hope you are doing well. Today iam going to introduce a very useful application for you. This Android apps will help you a lot. That means the features of this application will really help you while you use use your smartphone. Let me tell how this app will help you. So for understanding each and every details of this app read this article completely. Applock master This is the name of this application. Now you may understand that this is an Applock application. But you can’t able to consider this application as a normal Applock application. Because this application provide some extra features other than the normal Applock applications. There are many different types of locks provided by this application. They are given below. 1) Pattern2) Pin3) Password4) Fingerprint5) Time password6) Invisible pattern Lock incoming calls You can able to lock the incoming calls using this application. By doing this you can able to prevent intruders from pick up the incoming calls in your smartphone. Wifi and Bluetooth lock You can also able to set lock for wifi and bluetooth. So if you enable lock for both anyone can’t able to switch on wifi and bluetooth from your smartphone …
Read More »Smartphone Specifications Finder
Hi guys, today iam here to introduce a very useful application for you. Iam definitely sure that this application is really an useful one for all Android smartphone users. So read this article completely to understand each and everything details of this application. Spectify This is the name of this application. I tgink you may not understand nothing about this app when you read the name of this application. This application is a very useful one for all smartphone users like mentioned above. But this app is more suitable for the people who are ready to buy a smartphone. Do you think that how can this app become a useful one when you buy a smartphone. Compare You are little bit confused when you decide to buy a new smartphone. Because there are many different types of smartphones having different types of features. The internal storage, camera quality, RAM, refresherator e.t.c are the most considered things by a customer while buy a new smartphone. So if you shortlisted two smartphones and if you want to finalise one among them you can use this application. If you select the smartphones that you want to shortlist, you can able to see the …
Hi guys, today I am here to introduce a SCREEN LOCK application and its features for you. If you are a smartphone user Like everytime this application is also is very useful in your daily life. Actually this is an Android app. If you think that we only introduce Android applications and tips through this website, it’s not like that. We also introduced many different types of iOS application tips and tricks through this website. Check it out our website to see it. Screen lock application There is no need to explain more about screen lock feature. There are many different types of applications which provide screen lock feature. There are different types of screen locks are available all type of smartphones. They are given below Pattern lockPin numberPasswordFace lockFingerprint These are the types of locks that you know. But this is not only the screen locks. There are also some other locks. May be you are not familiar with them. Don’t worry. I will help you to understand that. Time password Do you know what is time password ? May be you are unfamiliar with this. Don’t worry. I will give you a brief on it. So for understanding …
Read More »Paid Apps Gone Free
Hello. Hope you are going good. Today iam here to introduce a very useful application for you. You will really try this application atleast for a single time if you know more about this application and it’s features. So read this article completely to understand all the details of this application. APPSALES The name of this application is ‘ appsales ‘ . Do you get any idea while yousee the name of this application ? If you didn’t understand anything I will give you a brief about this application and it’s features. PAID APPS AND FREE APPS You may know that there are two types of applications in Playstore. 1) Free apps2) Paid apps You can able to install the free apps from Playstore without pay anything. But yiubwant to pay a particular amount for install paid apps in your smartphone. GOOGLE’S UPDATE Google recently a new update in playstore. They made it possible for the developers to make their paid apps as free for a particular period of time. But the problem is everyone were not aware with this. But if you install this application in your smartphone you can easily able to understand all such things very easily. …
Hi guys, welcome back to another tech update of our website. Today we are going to introduce a website. As you know we only introduce useful things through this website. Likewise this website is also a really useful one. So read this article completely to understand each and every detail of this website. PFP MAKER Do you understand anything about this website while you see the name of this website ? You may not understand anything. because the name of this website didn’t give any hint about the features of this website. So you can’t understand the features of this website. But don’t worry. I will help you to understand the features of this website. PROFILE PICTURE GENERATOR This is the important feature of this website. Do you think is the speciality of this feature ? All of us use many different types of social media applications and websites. While you use such social media platforms you will definitely upload a photo as your profile picture in social media applications. Many people select any old photos or the photos having low quality to set as their profile photos in many social media platforms. Many people do this because of the …
Hi guys, today iam going to introduce a very useful application for you. I think this is w very useful application for every smartphone users. All the applications and websites and it’s features are really useful one. That’s why we give a brief about such applications. Likewise today also we are going to introduce a very useful application for you. UNIVERSAL COPY APPLICATION This is the name of this application. Once you install this application you will never uninstall it from your smartphone. Because the features of this application are really useful and awesome. I think you got an idea about the feature of this application while you see the name of this application. You can able to copy the text. Now you may think that did copying a text is a big matter ? But it’s not like that. You can able to copy the text on many things using this application. It’s not only the normal texts. The features of this application are given below. Have a look. 1) Copy normal text2) Copy the text on images3) Copy text from applications4) Copy text from documents You can able to extract texts from all these things using this application. …
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