All the things around us are develop day by day.Like that the world of smartphone are also get develop.We use smartphone for many purposes like calling,chating. browsing e.t.c.Among these,the one and important one is calling and it is one of the best quality of a smartphone.But we didn’t mind about it.We just call anybody and end it.We never think about the calling duration,incoming caller. We make a house with a correct plan.Like that make a detail of your calling duration,calling history e.t.c with an outstanding application.The name of the application is ‘CALLYZER’.This application help you to manage all the things related to your calls. We use graphs and pie diagrams(statistics) for many purposes like studying,calculating e.t.c.The pie diagrams are very easy to understand.That’s why it is widely acceptable among the people.Like that,this application will also provide you a pie diagram that including your calling details like incoming calls,outgoing calls,call duration,call’s time,missed call,rejected call e.t.c.So by looking this diagram,you can able to understand all the things related to your calls. This application will also classify your past calls into last day’s,last week’s calls,last month’s calls,Top caller(Top caller is the contact number which is the highest number cumulative of incoming,outgoing and unattend …
Hi friends,the application that I introduce today is a very useful one for all smartphone users.The name of this application is ‘AUTO FILE TRANSFER’.This application is well suitable for all types of smartphones. We all are smartphone users.We use different types of smartphones.We buy a smartphone by looking it’s all details like storage,RAM,Camera e t.c.But in some case ,some smartphones have only a little storage.If we buy it we can’t able to own a big space.But in such cases we use SD cards for acquiring more space.But at that time also we want to do the moving option of files to the SD card.But if you install this application in your smartphone,this one will help you for automatically moving of those files in your device to the SD card. So the function of this application is really a useful one.We use the camera application in our smartphone.If we capture a photo from camera,the photo is saved to the device storage.If this process is done for a long time,your storage become completed.But this application will find a solution for this problem.When you enable the any applications like camera through this application,all the files like photos,videos,audios and other all types of files …
Hi friends,today i would like to introduce a special call recorder application.Firstly,i introduce the application.The name of the application is ‘CUBE CALL RECORDER’.This application is not like the other common call recorder applications.This application provide you an entirely different type of call recording system.In other call recording applications,we can only able to record the common calls.But through this application you can able to record all types of calls like common calls,whatsapp call,facebook,IMO,telegram e.t.c. In short you can use this application for any messaging or the applications that have calling facility.This application provide you a extreme clear call recording.This is the one and only application that provide you a facility like this.This application have somany attractive features.The first among them is the ‘AUTAMATIC RECORDING OF ALL CALLS’.If you enable this feature all the calls that you receive and your outgoing call will automatically recorded in this application. The second feature is ‘AUTAMATIC RECORDING OF SELECTED CONTACTS’.Using this feature you can able to record the calls that you choose.The other one is ‘exclusion list’.Using this feature you can avoid the recording of those you didn’t want to record the calls. You can able to save your call recordings in Google DRIVE if …
Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application is ‘THUNDER VPN’.This application is really a fast application that provide you VPN(virtual private network) proxy service.You can able to use this application without any configuration.By just a single tap you can access your internet securly. We all are internet users.We use internet for many purposes.Now a days there are many jobs also in internet.So internet became a day to day partner of our daily life.We wish to make our internet using much secure one.But sometimes,we may afraid of internet hacking.Due to this fear we can’t able to use internet efficiently.But this application will find a solution for this problem.If you are a user of this application,your internet connection will be encrypted.So any third parties can’t able to track your internet usage and other activities. A VPN will establish a secret network across a public network.The applications that work based on the VPN will get a encryption from the functions,security of the public network. All internet users can able to secure their online transaction within a VPN like this application.So your personal identity and location are completely encrypted by a VPN like ‘THUNDER …
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Hi everyone,today i introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application is ‘V MOS’.This application is based on ‘virtual machine’ technology.Y ou can able to root your smartphone simply using this to install two same app one mobileThis application also provide some other outstanding features for your smartphone.If you install this application it will rebuild your smartphone to a new one. You can install this application as a normal app that you download from play store.But the feature of this application is not like other applications.It will definitely attracted you to this application.Through virtual machine technology you can install this application in Android smart phones or in Linux.So that mean this application is well suitable for all devices.The another important feature of this application is,this application is not controlled by your android system. Two android system your phone Vmos virtualizes a new operating system in your smartphone.So if you are a user of this application,you can able to use a same application for twice through this application.We can use vmos as a normal application.But really,this is a virtual machine software. Some people will root their smartphone due to some particular reasons.But if you are a vmos …
Hi friends,today i introduce an awesome application for you.The name of the application is ‘HIDE SCREEN’.This application help you to hide your smartphone’s screen while it working. You can able to hide from your friends,how to save mobile phone battery. what you are doing in your smartphone.After install this application,the icon of this application will appear on top of your screen.After that when you touch on it your screen will be appear as a dark theme.So if anyone see that they can’t able to understand that your smartphone is working.Because it will appear normally as your phone become off. super hide screen app You can also stop this mode by double click on the screen.After you stop this option you can continue anything that you doing before enable this option.So this application is very easy to use.You can use this application while playing games or download anything.If you are in in a game play and you want to go to somewhere for a little time,you didn’t want to quit the ongoing game.You just touch on the icon of this application that seen on the top of your to save mobile phone battery. At that time a black them will …
HIDE YOUR SECRET VIDEO, Hi guys,today i introduce an awesome application for you.The name of the application is ‘Z-DIALER’.This is a application which help you to hide your personal pictures,videos,audios and documents very easily.This is an entirely different application not like other gallery vault applications.This application provide a complete and secure protection for all things that you move to this application. In our smartphone there are some important photos,videos,audios and documents and we want keep these things safely.For that,this application help you in a different manner.After install this application you can able to hide the application from your applist.This application also provide you a very strong password or a pin number.So only you can able to access this application.If anyone try to open this by enter incorrect password or pin number this application will capture a photo of them,date and time that they try to open the application.hide your secret video You can also set your fingerprint to unlock in this application.This facility also ensure a complete encryption for your folders that you keep in this application.You can use this application with full confidence and the application will not break your privacy.So you can use this application without fear anything. …
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