Hi friends,all of us are smartphone users.We use whats app in our smartphone.When we use common whats app,we only get a single theme as interface.But now on wards,you will get dark theme on your whats app. This dark theme is not available in the common whats-app. You will get it from the ‘whats app beta for Android’. Whats app is a messenger application which you can able to chat with your friends without any cost.You just need a active data plan in your smartphone.When you use the common whats app in your whats app,there are so many limitations.You can’t able to send UNLIMITED audios,videos in a single time.But in the whats app beta for Android,you can able to send unlimited photos and videos.This is one of the important feature and use of the whats app beta for Android. But now the whats app beta for Android application have a new feature.That is you will get dark theme on whats app beta now.This is one of the best update of this application.This feature is a very useful one also.Because it will attract the users to use the whats app very happily and enjoyable. So now I will tell you to how …
Hi guys,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you. Iam sure that this application is really an useful one for all smartphone users. The name of this application is ‘WAMR’.By using this application you can able to RECOVER DELETED MASSAGE of social media applications very easily. While we use the social media applications like whats app and messenger. We may chat with our friends and with others. Now a days,what app and Instagram bring a new updation for the users.In this update. The users can able to delete the message from their smartphone and from the message receiver’s smartphone. By using this feature one can able to RECOVER DELETED MASSAGE a sended message in whats app. Instagram before seeing the message by your friends.This feature is really a useful one for all whats app users. Because if you send a wrong message or sending a message unconsciously. You can able to delete it from the message receiver’s smartphone before they see the message. In this feature,you can able to delete text messages,audios,videos,photos,GIF and stickers e.t.c. BENEFIT OF RECOVER DELETED MASSAGE When we open our whats app. Sometime we may see a whats app message deleted notification. …
how to UNLOCK MOBILE PHONE .Today,the people uses different types of smartphones in their daily life.We ensure complete security to our smartphone when we use it.Enabling locks like pattern,pin,password,face lock and fingerprint will ensure security to the all the things in our smartphone.So majority people enable any one lock among this one for enable security to their smartphone. But in some cases,we can’t able to UNLOCK MOBILE PHONE our smartphone.It may be due to many problems like providing incorrect lock for so many times,enable lock by children unconsciously,can’t able to enter the password due to the broken screen,forgot the password after setting it many days ago,got a second hand ios device with locked screen.These are some situations that we faced in our life while using a smartphone.If we faced such a problem in our life like forgotten password,we may gave our smartphone to a mobile technician to unlock it with the help of some software’s or with anything like that.It may be a costly thing also. But this software will help you to unlock any android or ios smartphone with the help of this software and this software is work for iOS, Samsung,huawei, LG e.t.c. Now I think that you …
Read More »Whatsapp Voice message Translate
Today,it is difficult to find a smartphone user who didn’t use whats app. Majority of the smartphone users must use whats app and other such social media applications in their smartphone.So today,i would like to introduce an awesome application for you that related to whatsapp.The name of this application is’TRANSCRIBER’.I am definitely sure that this application is a very useful one for all whats app users. this app use Whats app Voice message Translate People go for many programs and functions with our smartphone.At that time,if you receive a voice message in whats app or from other messengers application,it is difficult to hear that voice message if the situation is not suitable. When you go for a meeting or to some offices,you can’t allowed to use your smartphone there.So if you receive an urgent voice message on at that time,you can’t able to gave reply to it without hearing it.I think that these types of problems are founded among the people for so many times. If you faced such type of a problem and if you want to solve the problem,this application will help you for that.If you want to know what your friend say in the voice message without …
Read More »How to make trending whatsapp status video
Today i would like to introduce a website for you.This website is a very useful one for all people who use social media applications in their smartphone.Now a days,majority of the people use whatsapp,facebook,instagram and other social media applications in their smartphone.So when we use whatsapp,f facebook and instagram,it provide an attractive status features for the users. So the whatsapp,facebook and Instagram users always upload many different types of videos,photos and texts as their status.When we upload a status,we must care to select the best videos and photos.Then only it will attract the people.So if you want to get attractive status videos,this website will help you.The name of this website is ‘KING VIDEO STATUS’.Throgh this website you will get all types of status videos for what,facebook nad instagram. After open this website you can able to see many categories like latest 2019,funny videos,valentines day,full screen,b bollywood,inspirational,funny status,devotional status,emotional sad,DJ EDM and birthday wish statuses.In short we can able to say that this application contain all types of status videos for you.This application also contain many languages like hindi,tamil,gujarati,punjabi e.t.c.So you can able to select the videos in these languages. If you want to download the status videos from this website,select …
Read More »How to Make #fxMuni WhatsApp status video in Aveeplayer
Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you.This application is a very useful one for all smartphone users.The name of the application is ‘AVEE PLAYER’.This is a music player application.But this is not a ordinary music player application.This application have a lot of attractive and useful features. You can use this application as a common music player in your smartphone.When you open this application and gave necessary permissions,you can able to see all the audios and songs in your smartphone in this application.But the original features and uses if this application is not this.So i would like to describe about it. There are somany musics and audios in your smartphone.So if you want to convert these audios and mp3 songs into video,this application will help you for that.This is one of the important and very useful feature of this application.Iam sure that this is one of the best feature of this application and the best application having this feature that you will get from websites or playstore. This application have also some other features also.This application contain screen orientation lock,equalizer,sleep timer,lock screen and status bar widget,U I colour skins.This application also also support media and bluetooth …
Read More »video editing tool
would you like to edit your videos.This application will help you for that.The name of the application is ‘KINEMASTER’.This is really an awesome video editing application for Android users.This application contain all types of editing tools that help you to make your video more beautiful one. I am sure that this is the best video editing application that you ever use. When you use other editing application for video editing,there must be so many limitations for that.But in the case of kinemaster,it overcome all such types of limitations.Using this application you can able to edit your videos very easily and fastly.There is no complications when you edit your videos. If you you tuber/blogger/journalists/educators/marketers,this application help you to be a legend in these fields.This application is a well suitable one for especially you tubers. Because through this application,they can able to edit their videos and make it more attractive one than others.You can also able to make a new video by adding photos and songs with the help of this outstanding application. In this application,there are so many editing tools for make your video an awesome one.So i will describe about that.The most attractive features among that multiple video layers,blending modes,voice …
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