Hi friends,today i would like to introduce a very useful application for you.This application is really useful for all smartphone users.Now a day,majority of the smartphone users use social media applications like whats app and Facebook in their smartphone.The name of the application is ‘WFVS’. This application have many attractive and useful features that will help the whats app users very well.Now i will describe one feature among the useful features of this application.When we use whats app,we may upload many photos and videos as our status.At that time if you share a video as your status that have a duration more than 30 seconds,the remaining part after 30 seconds will be automatically removed.So we can’t able to upload the full video.Due to this feature of whats app,many people were not interested in uploading videos as their whats app status.Because they can’t able to upload a lengthy video. But in some cases,the users may edit the video and upload the continuation of that video next to it.This is a very risky task.But this application will help you to solve this problem.With the help of this application,you can able to edit a lengthy video into correct 30 seconds videos.If you select …
Hi friends,there are a number of very useful applications that you get from play store or from other websites.When you install an application in your smartphone,you must listen to select the best applications.So today I would like to introduce an outstanding application and i am sure that this application is really a useful one for all the smartphone users. The name of the application is ‘IMAGE TO PDF CONVERTER’.I think that you will understand the function of this application when you see the name of this application.As you see in the name of the application,it will help you to change a image to pdf. This is not a easy task to convert a image into pdf without the help of an application.That’s why I introduce this application for you. You may get many pdf converter application from play store and from some websites.But this application is not like other pdf converter applications.This application provide you many attractive and features that will help you to convert the images into a pdf very neatly and beautifully. Now,i will describe how to use this application in your smartphone.First of all,install this application in your smartphone.After that open the application and click on the’+’ …
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Now a days,we many different types of social media applications in our smartphone.The awesome applications like whats app,Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media applications used by the majority smartphone users.We use all these applications for chatting and upload photos and videos. When you use the applications like Instagram and Facebook,you may upload photos and videos to it.When you upload a photo or video to Instagram and Facebook,you must be aware to make the photo attractive and beautiful one.You will also add many tags to your photo and video to get more likes and views.If you gave more attractive and trending hashtags,there is a chance to get more likes,comments and views. But when you upload a photo or a video to Instagram or Facebook,sometimes,you can’t able to find appropriate tags to photos and videos.But this application will help you to select best suitable and attractive tags to your photos and videos that help you to get more likes,comments and views. The name of the application is ‘QUINSTA’.Through this application,you will get hashtags for photos and videos,best and suitable captions,attractive captions for story and bios.You can also get many different types of attractive fonts.If you want to get that,type …
Hi guyz,today i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you.The name of the application is ‘POLY STAR’.This is an attractive application that suitable for everyone especially for children.This is a game application.But this is not like other games.By playing this game,you can able to reduce your stress and like that this application have so many attractive and useful features. As I said above this is not a common game application.This is a brain training application and beautiful 3Dpoly puzzle art game.That means this application will help you to improve and develop your skills.This application didn’t have any complications.Anyone can use and play the games very easily. This application have a beautiful feature.The function of this application will really attract you.That is,in this application you can able to listen to the tales of night stars by match the 3D poly puzzles. I think,you have a doubt now about the the poly star.No problem.By playing this game you can able to learn the tale behind the poly stars.The story begin On a night,after a crash landing on a vast desert.The game is the travel of that young boy.Throughout the game,you can able to listen to the tales of beautiful stars …
Hi guyz,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application is ‘TRANSPARENT WIDGET’.This application will really help you to make so many changes in your smartphone and make the installed applications secure.If you would like to make your smartphone safe with the help of an application,this will help you. So now I will describe how to use this application in your smartphone.If you install and use this application in your application,you can able to open the selected applications in a different manner.That’s why I said that,this is one of the best application that provide you complete encryption to the installed applications in your smartphone. First of all,install this application in your smartphone.After that come back to your home page.After that press and hold on your screen to open and add widgets to the screen.In some smartphone,the steps to add widgets is different.After that select the icon of the ‘TRANSPARENT WIDGET’ application and touch and hold on it to add it to the home screen. If you completed these steps,a new screen will appear.At that time,select the option ‘OPEN APP’.At that time an application list of your smartphone will appear there.Select the application that …
Read More »Screen Rotation Various model
Hi friends,today i would like to introduce a very useful application for you.The outstanding features of this application will attract you to install this application in your smartphone.Iam sure that this application is really a helpfull one for all smartphone users.The name of this application is ‘ROTATION LOCK BUBBLE’. When you use your smartphone,sometimes you will enable the screen rotation.When you enable this feature in your smartphone,the screen will be rotate when you tilt the smartphone.This feature is really a useful one in a smartphone.But sometimes it will be a disturbance to the smooth running of some applications.That is if you see a video in your smartphone by enable the screen rotation,The screen will be automatically rotated when you tilt the smartphone atleast for a single time.At that time we can’t able to view and enjoy the video very well. Iam definitely sure that majority smartphone users must faced this problem atleast for a single time.So today onwards this problem will be solved.For that this application will help you.That’s why I said that this application is really a useful one for all smartphone users.Now i will describe how to use this application in your smartphone. First of all install this …
Smartphone’s world is get developed day by day.With the development of smartphones,many new applications are also released today.Now a days,there are different types of applications which provide you many useful features like chatting,shopping,buy and sell and browsing e.t.c. So today I would like to introduce an awesome application for you.Now,majority of the people use at least a single vehicle for his uses.So i think that it is essential to introduce an application that provide many useful features to all types of vehicle users like two wheel,four wheel,six wheel vehicles e.t.c. The name of the application is ‘RTO VEHICLE INFORMATION’.By using this application,you can able to see all the information of any vehicle.If you want to get the details of a vehicle,this application will help you for that.For that enter the vehicle number.At that time you will get all the details of the particular vehicle like real owner’s name,age,registration date,insurance expiry e.t.c.Simply we can say that you will get all the details of a vehicle in a single click. If you buy a second hand vehicle,this application will help you to understand all the details of the vehicle.So if the seller will cheat you by giving false information,you can able to …
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