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Android Aplication


EASY NOTIFICATION APP.Hi guyz,today I would like to introduce a different type of application for you .Iam definitely sure that,anyone of you didn’t see or use this application till now.This app is really an useful one for all smartphone users and it will help you to make your life more happier than before. The name of this application is ‘DAY WISE’.This application act as a smart pox for your notifications. You may use many social media applications and other applications in our smartphone.While you use such type of applications like whats app,Facebook and Instagram or some other applications like this,you may receive a number of notifications in a single day.If you are a member in many whats app groups or Instagram groups,you may receive many message’s notification on each day. While you are in a work or some activities like driving,you can’t able to see the messages and gave reply to them.But in some cases,we want to definitely gave reply to some messages like official messages. But if you receive all the messages including other messages with important or official messages,you can’t able to gave reply quickly. If you are a user of this application,it will classify your applications into …

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Now a days,there are number of applications which provide many different types of functions and features.We can simply say that,you will get an application for anything like shopping,reading,entertainment,appointment e.t.c.So today I would like to introduce an entirely different application for you. This application is really a useful one for all smartphone users and iam sure that you never installed such a application in yiu smartphone till now.That’s why I introduce this application for you.The name of the application is ‘cm COPY BUBBLE’. By using this application you can able to copy anything from anywhere very easily and fast. while we use our smartphone,sometime we want to copy something and past it anywhere for any purpose. Sometimes,you want to do a big copy,past job and also you want to complete it within a short period of time.If you do this by using your common copy past procedure of your smartphone,you can’t able to complete within a short period of time.But if you do that job by using the awesome feature of this application,you can able to complete the copy past job very easily and fastly. If you want to continue the copy and paste of different sentences or words,first of all …

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screen recording app

Hi guys,today i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you. This application is a very useful one for all people who have many different types of professions. First of all let me describe the name of this application. It is ‘screen recording app’. By using this application you can able to screen anything that appear on the screen of your smartphone. You may get many screen recorder application from playstore or from some websites. But this application is not like such type of applications. This application provide you many attractive features and it will really help you to record your smartphone’s screen very smoothly without losing it’s actual quality. That’s why I said that,this application is not like other screen recorder applications. HOW TO SCREEN RECORDING ON MOBILE PHONE If you use this screen recording app. It will also provide many attractive features for you for record the screen smoothly without facing any problems. This application also support the languages like english,spanish,french,turkish,portuguese,brazil,italian e.t.c.If you want to save the recorded video into sd card or to some other files. It can also done through this application without opening the file manager. Another feature is,you can able to take screenshot …

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Duplicate Files Fixer application

Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application is ‘DUPLICATE FILE FIXER’.This application is really an useful one for all smartphone users.If you are a user of this Duplicate Files Fixer application,you can able to make your smartphone clean. While you use a smartphone,we may keep many files,documents and photos in your smartphone.Sometimes the size of some files are so big and the presence of such type of files will affect the smooth running of the smartphone due to lagging.If you face such a problem in your smartphone,you may delete many files and folders in your smartphone without looking that,is it an important one or not.If you do like that,it may be a reason for many big losses. In this case,this application will help you For solve this problem.By using this application you can able to find the presence of the files that have the same copies more than one.If such type of files are big in size it may lose a big space in your smartphone.That means two copies of same files will be finded by this application and you can able to delete it.Due to that you can also …

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Remini – photo enhancer Application

Hi guys,We introduce many different types of applications through this website.So today I would like to introduce an outstanding application for you. Iam definitely sure that,if you use this application it will be your favorite application.The name of the application is ‘REMINI-PHOTO ENHANCER’. This is a online photo enhance application.By using this awesome application you can able to make your photos more beautiful and attractive one. There are many old photos in our smartphone.Such old photos didn’t have much quality.But if you are a user of this application,you can able to enhance your old and low quality photos into high definition photos very easily. We may keep many old photos in our smartphone.We didn’t delete such photos.Because they are not only photos,but also they are beautiful memories.So if you want to keep it with high quality,you must use this application for that.this Remini – photo enhancer Application can repair blurred photos to clarity. and enhance old photos and low quality photos to high-definition. If you enhance a photo with the help of this application,the quality of the photo will be improved very well. In early times,you may capture a photo with old cameras and smartphones and they have only a …

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Hi friends,toady i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you.This is one of the best video editing application.The name of this application is ‘IN SHOT’.Iam sure that this is one of the best video editing application that you ever get from play store. The attractive and useful features of this application will really attract you to install this application and this application will help you to make your videos more beautiful and attractive one. So now I will describe the features of this application that will help you to edit your videos. The first feature of this application is ‘TRIM AND CUT VIDEO’.By using this feature you can able to cut and trim a video very easily and fastly. So by using this feature you can able to reduce the size of a video as per your wish. The second feature of this application is ‘VIDEO SPLITTER’.By using this feature you can able to split a video into two parts or more than two.This feature will help you to make a lengthy video as your status without losing it’s parts. Iam sure that this is one of the best feature of this application. The third feature of this …

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video to mp3 converter

video to mp3 converter .Hi friends ,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you. Iam sure that you may see many applications like this. But the important fact about this application is. This application have many attractive and useful features that will help you a lot. The features of this application is spread to many different sectors. So this video to mp3 converter is a very useful one for many people who have many different types of professions. The name of this application is ‘VID COMPACT’.First of all I will describe the features of this application.They are video converter,mp3 converter,video compressor for Android,video trimmer,video size reducer. HOW TO CONVERT VIDEO TO MP3 If you want to use the features of this application,install it in your smartphone. After that open it and give necessary permissions.At that time,you can able to see there four options.The first option is ‘TRIM AND COMPRESS’.By using this awesome feature, . you can able to trim and compress a video very easily and lastly. That means,if there is a big size video in your smartphone and you want to reduce it’s size length and size. This feature will help you for that.For that …

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