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Android Aplication

Play YouTube On off Screen

Play YouTube On off Screen. Hi guys, you know that we introduced many different types of applications through this website and all of them are very useful to our readers.Likewise today iam going to introduce such an entirely different application for you.Did you ever want to enjoy Youtube Videos with screen Off to save your battery The name of the app is ” screen off keep playing ” . Do you understand anything about this app while you see the name of the app ? I think someone got a small idea about this app. Bit don’t worry. Let me describe you about this app and it’s features.It is a common problem of many smartphones that the battery is draining highly while playing any games or watching offline videos or youtube videos. Due to this problem many people were unable to spend on youtube for important matters also. Because their smartphone will get heated and battery become low in a shoer period of time. HOW TO PLAY YOUTUBE SCREEN OFF TIME But don’t worry. This app will help you to solve this problem. You know that the above mentioned problem happen because of the continuous worko g of your smartphone.Youtube …

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Digital Clock & Battery Charge

Hi guys, today I am going to introduce a very useful and interesting application for you. Iam definitely sure that you may not see such an application before. Because the features and the functions of this act is really interesting. That’s why we introduced this application for our readers. The name of this application is ” digital clock and battery charge ” .you may understand that this application is related to things like clock when you read the name of the application.your guess is right. But the features of this application is not only that but also this application is also provide meaning awesome features for you.In short we can say that this application will help you to enable many awesome features in your smartphone.Actually this is a live wallpaper application.It also contains the features like main feature Digital Clock & Battery Charge Date and time digital clock.Platform informationDevice basic informationSensor informationCompassExternal memory usageInternal memory usage This app with speaking clock is ideal for all cyclists, car drivers, sport persons, visually impaired persons or all persons who are currently not able to take a look on their watch.The speaking clock can be triggered by double tapping the screen of the …

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Instapaper application 2021

Hi guys, today iam going to introduce a very rare application that you never see untill now. But the features of this application are really intesting and it will definitely force you to install this app while read this article.So let me describe more about this instapaper application 2021. The name of this application is ” instapaper ” . Do you understand anything about the features of this app while you read the name of this app. But don’t worry. Let me help you to understand more about this instapaper application 2021.Many people have low data available in their smartphone. So it is not possible to browse more or utilitise more data for any other important things. HOW TO READ ARTICLE OFF LINE BY USING INSTAPAPER APPLICATION Due to this problem many people didn’t able to browse very relevant and urgent things on browsers like google.But don’t worry. This app will help you to solve this problem.That means after install this application you can also able to visit any website or page on any browser without enable your data. Do you think that how is it possible ?For that, first of all install this application using the given link below …

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Gallery – All in one

What’s up ! Hope you are going good. Today we are going to introduce an awesome app for you. One of the attractive feature of this app is it is like ” all in one ” which means this app include the features of many apps. We can also say that this app is a collection of many different apps and it’s features.First of all I will introduce the name of the app. It is ” file gallery ” .Do you think that this is a gallery application which will help you to see the photos and videos in your smartphone.That’s also right. But the features of this app is not only that. But also like I said this app provide the features of more apps in it. By using this app you can able to 1) View the photos in your gallery2) Watch the videos in your gallery3) Hear the audios4) See the application files in your smartphone5) See the documents and pdf files in your smartphone. Do you know why this app is so special. Because, suppose if you want to see the document, audio, photo, video of a same subject in your smartphone, you must want to …

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Hi guyz, today iam going to introduce a really useful app for you. Iam definitely sure that this is really a best application for all smartphone users. This android application and it’s features will really surprise you and that’s why I introduce this app for you. The ne of this app is ” click to chat ” . Do you recognize anything about this app while you see the name of this app. You may understand that this app is related to chat, right ? Yes you are right.But there is a small change. The features of this app are beyond your expectations. You may never experienced such features before. If you didn’t understand anything, don’t worry. Let me describe more about this app.By using this app you can able to send whatsapp message to anyone. But this is not a special feature. But the difference is you doesn’t want to save anyone number to send message on whatsapp. You can only able to send whatsapp message only to the saved contacts in your smartphone.But if you se this app you can able to send whatsapp message to anyone in any country. You just want to install this app which …

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found vehicle owner name Kerala

Hi guys, we introduced many different types of applications through this website and all of them are really useful. Likewise today iam going to introduce an entirely different and useful application fir you. This app is a very helpful one for trace vehicle owner name by vehicle numberThe name of the app is ” mparivahan “. Do you understand anything about this app when you see the name of this app.This is a complete transport solution for everyone.With the help of this app you can able to find all the important details of a vehicle in india.You can able to check any details of a vehicle like kerala vehicle registration number check Owner nameRegistration dateRegistering authorityVehicle modelVehicle classVehicle classInsurance validityFitness validityAll these mentioned features of trace vehicle owner name by vehicle number app are very helpful one in many important cases. You can able to find the details of a accidental or theft vehicles using this app. You can also able to check and verify the registration details of any vehicle. This will very helpful when you buy a second hand vehicle.So if you are work in a vehicle field, this app is a useful one for you. You can …

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What’s up ! Today iam going to introduce a very useful application for you. This app is suitable for all type of android smartphones. That means the features provided by this app to all smartphones is same.The name of the application is ” touch protector “. This is one of the best touch disabling application. Do you know anything about touch disabling feature and why do you want to use this feature in your feature? Don’t worry. Let me describe it for you.Sometimes you may keep your smartphone somewhere without using like in the pocket e.t.c . In such cases you may forget to off your smartphone. You may just put in your pocket after cut a call or in such situations.And when you do like that, your smartphone will continue it’s work due to the minor touch from the pocket.There are many such cases. So this application will help you by providing the extra ordinary features of this app like ShakeIn this section your smartphone’s touch screen will be locked which means it will not work when you put your smartphone in your pocket or somewhere after enable this feature.ProximityYour phone will be automatically lock when it recognise with …

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