Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is Net block.. block internet for selected apps…it is formly designed for block and reject internet for selected apps for any purpose

It’s a best quality App which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..We hope you guys will be satisfied and happy while using this application.. this will be a part of your life..no one can to deactivate without your permission..so it may concern as a special one for you in just type of matter..so that it will be an easy way to communicate each other with another high efficiency

Net block allows you to block apps from accessing the internet without root…. There are apps and games which may continue to access when you exited…. therefore, you should consider blocking Apps from accessing the internet to reduce your data usage, increase your privacy,save your battery as much as possible to do it very much and strong

It provides you highly recommended features that is safe and easy to use..and also it is No more root required..to develop the skills and ideas which may continue to access to the valley of experience and make it so powerful and strong on its way to make it consious and dedicated..this app Only set up a local VPN interface to be able to block the network traffic of apps without root..so, you can trust that it doesn’t connect to remote server to steal your data…

We ensure highly recommended and necessary actions and relevant security system towards you..no one can to make an access without your permission and consent..so it is very useful a d user friendly.it was developed in a manner which is very simple and secular to make it easy and dedicated

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well we extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application.. see you soon with another tech update…


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