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black screen video screen off application

All will be with you if you are attractive and effective and efficient for you to lock screen at anytime and save battery on AMOLED screen while playing videos for getting this type of activities..lock screen is available in all category to avoid extra ordinary general benefits for you to maintain the quality and vivid experience

To lock properly

This such application to lock with immediate effect and great feature for you ..block screen more dedicated and focused one for you in order to modify and visual treated experience for you.it with be a beneficial one for you to make it very useful one for doing such applications which is ready to Go for it. So that it will be a remarkable experience for you in order to specify and modify this type of One to you

Features and specifications

It brings floating button to quickly lock the screen and also to get the battery saver on AMOLED and oiled screens for you and also to play videos, listen to podcasts,record videos to play with ulte facilities for you to attend auch occasion in this one

You can simply use the floating button to quickly lock the screen. You can simply turn off the screen nd and unlock it by tapping on it for mental treatment for you of you are included in it so all the items for this kind of strength in favour of much needed things for you to understand the main theme for you

Incredible application

All the best option for you in order to modify the pattern things for you to go with this apps for you for focusing that options for you to understand the well renowned and auditing time for you that will be very sensible and tight sence for you to understand the well settled festivals for you

So it’s very helpful to lockd the screen in order to modify the well pattern things for you to avoid the same things for elaborating days with this app for you and enjoy seamless features and process to manage the same things for you…so please download it hurry without any hesitation


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