Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you.This application is a very useful one for all smartphone users.The name of the application is ‘AVEE PLAYER’.This is a music player application.But this is not a ordinary music player application.This application have a lot of attractive and useful features. You can use this application as a common music player in your smartphone.When you open this application and gave necessary permissions,you can able to see all the audios and songs in your smartphone in this application.But the original features and uses if this application is not this.So i would like to describe about it. There are somany musics and audios in your smartphone.So if you want to convert these audios and mp3 songs into video,this application will help you for that.This is one of the important and very useful feature of this application.Iam sure that this is one of the best feature of this application and the best application having this feature that you will get from websites or playstore. This application have also some other features also.This application contain screen orientation lock,equalizer,sleep timer,lock screen and status bar widget,U I colour skins.This application also also support media and bluetooth …
Read More »video editing tool
would you like to edit your videos.This application will help you for that.The name of the application is ‘KINEMASTER’.This is really an awesome video editing application for Android users.This application contain all types of editing tools that help you to make your video more beautiful one. I am sure that this is the best video editing application that you ever use. When you use other editing application for video editing,there must be so many limitations for that.But in the case of kinemaster,it overcome all such types of limitations.Using this application you can able to edit your videos very easily and fastly.There is no complications when you edit your videos. If you you tuber/blogger/journalists/educators/marketers,this application help you to be a legend in these fields.This application is a well suitable one for especially you tubers. Because through this application,they can able to edit their videos and make it more attractive one than others.You can also able to make a new video by adding photos and songs with the help of this outstanding application. In this application,there are so many editing tools for make your video an awesome one.So i will describe about that.The most attractive features among that multiple video layers,blending modes,voice …
Hi guys,today i would like to introduce a very useful application for you. I am sure that this application is a very useful one for all smartphone users.People use many different types of smartphones in their daily life.When we buy a new smartphone,we will must many things related to that particular smartphone.Always we will try our level best to make the smartphone that we buy an awesome and an outstanding one.This is not only in the case of buying a smartphone.When we buy anything,especially technological items,we must try to select the best one among the available things.If we didn’t gave importance to the materials that have high quality,we may face several problems after buying that thing. So if you want to solve this problem,there is an application for that.The name of the application is ’91 MOBILES’.This application will help you to select the best thing and compare it to others.For example,if you would like to buy a new smartphone and you are confused with two different brands.At that time,this application will help you by comparing two smartphones,it’s performance,RAM,internal memory,camera,price and all other specifications. This application is not only for compare smartphones.Through this application you can also able to compare the …
Read More »All language translating application
Hi guys,today i am here for introducing a different application that will help all type of smartphone users.The name name of this application is ‘SCREEN TRANSLATE’.I think that you will understand the functions and features of this application when you see the name of this application. We use many translator translator application for translate any language into another language.For example,If we want to translate English into any another language,first of all we want to type the sentence in English completely or copy it from anywhere and past it in the translator application.You will get many applications like this from play store and from some websites.But all of such applications have this feature itself.I think that it is a difficult thing to do like that. So this application will help you to solve this problem.By using this application,you can able to translate any language to any language in an easier method.That’s why I said that this application is really a helpful one that will help you to make your translation more easier and comfortable. Now I will describe,how to use this application in your smartphone.After install this application,open it. After that switch on a button like a power button by graving …
Read More »latest photo editing application
Hi friends,today i would like to introduce a different type of application that will really attract you to install this awesome application in your smartphone.First of all let me introduce the name of this latest photo editing application.The name of this application is ‘NO CROP’.This application is really an useful one for all smartphone users who would like to edit their photos to make it attractive one. We all are social media application’s users like whats app,Facebook and Instagram. The users if this application will upload many photos and videos to it.When we look to the features of this types of applications especially like Facebook,Instagram and snap chat,we can’t able to upload a photo in it’s original size. You can able to upload the photos into Instagram and to other applications like this by adjusting or reduce it’s size.But when we adjust the size or crop the photo,some attractive parts of the photo will be removed and the photo remain as not a beautiful one.In some cases,we may try to upload a group photo with our friends,a part and our friends in that side will also disappeared.So we will refuse to upload that photo into the applications like Instagram,Facebook Snap …
AMAZING EFFECT APPLICATION.Today i am here for introducing an awesome application for you.This application is really a useful one for all smartphone users especially for social media users like whats app,Facebook and Instagram. The name of this application is ‘PICNIC’.By using this application you can able to edit your photos. Now a days,you will get many editing applications from play store. All such type of applications will help you to edit your photos.But this application is not like other editing applications.This application have so many attractive features that will help you to make your photos more attractive one. The weather determines whether a travel will succeed or not.So don’t let the dreadful weather ruin your travel and outdoor photos Now,majority of smartphone users use social media applications like whats app,Facebook and Instagram in their smartphone.There are many other such applications also.People use these types of social media applications for upload photos,videos,texts and their feelings.So when anyone upload a photo or video,he must be very care to upload the beautiful photos and videos.AMAZING EFFECT APPLICATION So,this application is for that purpose.Through this application,you can able to make your photos more attractive one.For that this application provide you many editing tools. Is …
Read More »free call India application
Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you. I am definitely sure that,this application is really a helpful one for all smartphone users.And this application and it’s attractive functions will attract you to install this awesome application.First of all let me introduce the name of this application is ‘CALL INDIA FREE’. I think that you will understand about the function of this application when you see the name of this application.Now a days,all sim cards companies provide many different types of unlimited packs for the customers.It include unlimited calling and a particular data.Many people recharge this type of unlimited packs to their smartphone always. But sometime,some people didn’t recharge unlimited packs.They only recharge a little calling pack to their smartphone.This application is really a useful one for such type of people.Because this application provide free calling to anywhere to India. By using this application,you can able to call free anywhere in India.You can able to call to mobile number and also to the landline.It doesn’t matter that the call receiver use internet or not.They will receive your call even they didn’t have a internet connection.This application provide you high quality calls without any charge. When you …
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