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AMOLED Wallpapers

Hi guys, today iam going to introduce a very awesome app for you. You may never seen such an app before. I think that all of you must install this app in your smartphone. If you do so you can able to gave a new appearance to your smartphone’s screen.

So let’s have a look th the nee features of this app.
The name of the app is ” always on display ” . Like I said above this app provide the features related to the wallpapers. That means by using this app you can simply able to apply awesome and attractive wallpaper styles to your smartphone.
This app provide six important clock styles.
They are given below. Take a look.

Digital clock
Picture clock
Analog clock
Edge light
Emoji clock
Calendar clock

Among these many attractive themes are available in picture clock.All clock styles are really attractive. You can also able to write your memo from this app and you can able to customize the font style and font size.

Always On AMOLED Screen provides information about, time, date, notifications and more and all without having to touch the phone. Just by looking at it. This is made possible thanks to Always on Display. Most of the screen stays black except for a few pixels.

Anyway this is really a useful app. Because while applying the wallpapers like calendar clock, you can able to know the date and day along with the time.
Iam definitely sure that this is really an awesome app. So just try it in your smartphone and don’t forget to leave your opinion about the app.


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