Hi guys in this post ima sharing 3 type of Alight motion lyrics motion graphics animations. Here iam sharing the three type of text effect or lyric effect Animation
Project. Check my description to get Alight motion lyrics effects animation project or preset file. After do like the video Share and Support..

First install Alight motion application in your device after open it add a background image then add the background effect like particles or any green screen video after use blender to convert or add on image or video.
Download project file from below description after insert or import into your apk. Copy the layer or effects add in to your recently closed the project edit the lyrics like you want. Add bgm add lyrics like the bgm lyric. It more attractive to your audience. It get more reaches…
If you have any problem to edit or output open YouTube search Ishakkt tech get the video about it watch it till end..
Alight motion Alight motion lyrics Alight motion edit Alight motion Text Animation
Alight motion text effect Alight motion tutorial