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Al Zahra Pvt. Hospital opportunities

Al Zahra Hospital About Us

Al Zahra Hospital was set up in 1981 by Gulf Medical Projects Company. This doctor’s facility is the first and th biggest private general clinic in the UAE. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment is of a global standard, and is sponsored by the most recent radiology and lab offices.


At Al Zahra Hospital, the improvement of an individual relationship between the patient and specialist is of basic significance. This logic, consolidated with the simple openness of our senior restorative staff for guidance and examination, makes Al Zahra an additionally minding healing facility.

Tolerant care is our essential concern. The offices, in this way, stay under steady survey to fuse the most recent methods and gear to guarantee reliably elevated expectations. Noted for their expert ability, our staff are deliberately chosen and have had significant involvement in real healing facilities abroad. A large portion of our senior medical caretakers are selected from the United Kingdom.

For the accommodation of patients in Dubai, an outpatient facility under the name of Al Zahra Private Medical Center has been set up. The center has the full support of the analytic and subordinate administrations accessible at Al Zahra Hospital in Sharjah.

The doctor’s facility additionally offers an extensive variety of social insurance plans, from maternity to complete restorative registration, and extraordinarily outlined practical bundles for organizations and foundations. For additional data, please contact the Marketing and Public Relations Department.


Al Zahra Hospital will be the trademark for predominant quality human services conveyance both at essential and claim to fame levels with most extreme respect to patients’ wellbeing and prosperity.

Al Zahra Hospital should lead the foundation of a developing, successful and effective social insurance arrange under the Al Zahra flag all through the U.A.E. furthermore, in the neighboring nations

To Apply Click here Al zahra Hospital jobs>>

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