Today iam here with one special application having some fun and special features. Iam definitely sure that all of you are little aware about this application. Anyway read this article completely to understand each and every details of this application briefly.
Wombo ai app

When you see the ‘ AI ‘ in the name of this application understand little bit about this application. Yes, Wombo ai app is work with the AI feature. Actually Wombo ai app is very trending now. Because majority people like the AI feature of Wombo Ai app.

if you didn’t know about this feature you will understand each and everything about it when you complete reading this article.Actually the important feature of this application is animating the photos.
That means provide animation for a still photo you can also consider this as convert a photo into video. This is really a cool feature
If you have your old photos and if you want to make it alive you can use this application. Actually there are many different types of application which provide this feature. This is one of the best one among them.You can also able to add audio or music to the video that you want to animate from this application. If you didn’t know how to animate photo I will describe it for you.

How to animate a photo by using WOMBO PHOTO

First of all install this application from the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post. After that you can able to ca camera feature when you open the application. Capture the image that you want to animate. Means capture the image of the person or the photo of a person that you want to animate. Then select the audio music that you want to add or sink with the lip movement of the particular photo. The movement will be automatically generated along with the song.Different types of songs are available in different sections. Unable to select your favourite song among them.

Is wombo ai free

For this question we can able to say that what is a free application. Can I able to your photos with many songs with the free version. But there is also a premium version for this application. You can able to enjoy more features from the premium version of this application. Now I think that you got answer for the question ‘ is wombo ai free ‘ .
So that’s all about the wombo AI free application. Don’t forget to share your feedback after install and use the application.
See you soon with another tech update.


Power button shortcuts

Hello, welcome back. As you know we share many technological tips with you through this website. Among them the majority content are based on application tips. Likewise today also iam going to share an application and it’s awesome features with you. Iam definitely sure that this is a really useful feature for all smartphone users. That’s why we bring the review of this application for you. So read this article completely to understand each and every details of this application.


This is the name of this application. Are you get confused when see the name of this application. Don’t worry. Anyone can’t able to understand anything about this app through the name of this application. But don’t worry. We are here for introduce that.


Shortcuts are popular among the people. Here the shortcuts means shortcut in technology. But the inner meaning is same. We all know that there are many shortcut keys in computer. Likewise there is also some shortcuts in smartphones. Among them iOS shortcuts are popular.

Do you think that there is no shortcut features in Android smartphones ? If you think like that you are definitely wrong. Because Android smartphone also have short it’s for different purposes. If you didn’t know about that this application will help you very well to know more about shortcuts in Android smartphones.

This application will help you to create shortcuts for various functions in your smartphone. Some among them are given below.

1) Open camera application
2) Turn on / off flashlight
3) Play ( hear ) the current time
4) Record audio
5) Tasker tasks

These are the five different types of shortcuts provided by this application.

All these functions are belongs to the power key of your smartphone. That means you can able to control all these things with the power button of your smartphone.

For example, if you want to open camera application using shortcut method you can able to set it like open when you press power button for two times. Likewise you can able to set everything.

When this feature is become an useful one

Suppose if your smartphone’s screen get damaged or touch is didn’t work properly, you can able to use this application if you install it before your smartphone get complained.

So install this application now itself in your Android smartphone. If you install this application in your smartphone you can able to access above mentioned functions with the power button very easily.

So that’s all about this application. Install and use this application now and share your feedback with us.

See you soon with another tech update.


Notification History Log

Hello, welcome back to another tech update of our website. Like every time today also we are going to introduce a very useful application for you. Like all other application that will reduced through this website this application is really an useful one.
so read this article completely to understand more details about this application.

Active Notification history

All of us are smartphone users. Why we use smartphone we must use many different types of applications in it. Different types of application have different types of features. Social media applications are also included in the app list of your smartphone. Social media applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Instagram, messenger are the most used application by each and every smartphone user. Smartphone user can’t able to live without social media applications.
So why we use social media applications we receive many notifications of messages on each day.

Notification History

We can’t able to lose them. Once you lose them we can also able to see it by open the application. this recovery option is only available in the place of social media applications and such types of applications.

different types of applications in our smartphone. And we also receive important messages from them. but if you accidentally remove it from the notification bar you cant able to recover it.

Many smartphone users clear the notification bar occasionally. We all know that if there is bulk of notification in the notification bar of interior type of smartphones, the speed of the smartphone will be reduced. That’s why many people clear the notification occasionally.

Why you do like that without reading notifications properly you may lose many important notifications from any application.

How to recover cleared notification

I’m definitely sure that this is one of the most important question as that every smartphone user have. My answer for this is,there is a solution for that. This application will help you for that.
that means by using the application that we are going to introduce today you can able to to easily recover the notification that you clear from your notification bar any time after install this application.
Once you install this application it begin to recover the notification that you receive from each and every application that you use in your smartphone. Like i mentioned about you can also consider this application as notification history log for WhatsApp other such social media applications

In short we can able to say that there no worries if you clear the notification accidentally without understanding that there is some important notification among them.

How to use this notification history application

The name of this application is ‘ Notification history log application ‘ . First of all install this application from the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post. After that open the application and provide necessary permissions. If you complete all these steps, this application will be going to recover the notifications received your smartphone. Notification history log for WhatsApp and other social media applications are also really useful. That means from there maybe you can able to see the the deleted messages. if any of your friends or family members send a message to you and delete it after sometime, maybe you can able to see the message sent by them to you.

Anyway this is all about this application. If you want to know more about this application install it now itself. Don’t forget to to post your user experience and feedback.

See you soon with another take update


Troll Malayalam Song

Hi guys, today I am going to introduce a very useful application for all social media application users. Are you confused that which type of application is that useful for social media users ? don’t worry I will give you a brief about this application and all the features provided by this application. So read this article completely to understand each and everything about this application.

Troll Malayalam song

Do you know what is troll audios ? I think majority people who use WhatsApp are well aware with troll audios.WhatsApp bring a recent update the sticker feature. When stickers become viral, the troll audios also become viral along with that.
Aisa result meaning application released with different types of audios. They are like
1) Funny audios2) Happy audios3) Sad audios4) Romantic audios5) Troll audios6) Movie dialogue audios7) BGM
When these types of audios become viral, people use this to show their emotions while they chat with their friends or family members or in groups.

super Malayalam song

This application also support many different types of audios. They are given below.
1) Comedy2) Other3) Mocking4) Mass attitude5) Questions6) Wishes7) Advices8) Angry9) Motivation10) Emotional, sad11) BGM, ringtone12) Romantic13) Happy birthday
These are the different types of audio sections provided by this application. you can able to select the sections as per your wish and mood.

How to download super Malayalam song

Actually this is a very simple task. Open the audio that you want. At that time you can able to see the menu options like
1) Favourite2) Download3) WhatsApp4) Report
You can able to download the audios using the ‘ download ‘ option.
Finding audios from WhatsApp after downloading audios from this application is a little difficult task. So you can able to share the audio very easily to the WhatsApp group or personal chat using the Whatsapp icon appear near the ‘ download ‘ option.

Upload audios

If you have any interesting videos we can also able to upload it to this application. You just want to click on the plus icon appear on this application.
Support languages
This application have many different types of super Malayalam song audios in different languages. They are given below.
1) Malayalam2) Tamil3) Telugu4) Hindi5) English
You can Apple to select the audios from any above mentioned languages. So that’s all about this application. I’m definitely sure that you will install this application. Because many people are still searching for this type of an application. This is the right application for them.
This application from the ‘ download now button ‘ appear below this article. Don’t forget to post your feedback after use this application.
See you soon


Android Device manager

Hello everyone. Welcome back to another tech update of searchjobs.com.
Today I am here to introduce a very useful application for you. I’m definitely sure that you may not see such an application before in your life. Because this application provide you many awesome features.
And that feature will help you to recognise many things about your smartphone.
I think you didn’t get any idea about this application from these words.
Don’t worry. You can able to understand everything and all the details of this application when you complete reading this article.

Applore, the Android device manager

The name of this application is ‘ applore ‘ . If you can’t able to catch up anything about this application from the name of this application, I will help you for that.
Actually this is an Android device manager application.
What is device manager and the process done by it in your smartphone ?

There are Android device manager applications. This application is not like that. Because Applore provide you awesome and useful features other than other Android device manager applications. That’s why you are coming this application to you. No let’s talk about the features of this application.

The first feature provided by this application is ‘ apps status ‘ . in this section you can able to see the numbers of application that you installed and many related things. They are given below.

1) Installed
2) System
3) Hidden

The next section is ‘ vulnerable apps ‘ . Here you can able to see the applications that accept the permission from you to access many details in a smartphone. They are also given below.

1) SMS / Call access
2) Security
3) Dangerous permissions

So these are the features available in the first section of this application. The most useful and important features are available in the next section.
Before briefing that I would like to say that this is one of the top used apps why we consider Android device manager applications.

Features available in the next section are given below.

Manage apps

In this section you can able to uninstall and manage all the applications in your smartphone.
You can also able to see system apps, archieve and Google drive in this section.

Permission and security

In this section you can able to see the permissions provided by you to the applications installed in your smartphone. For example you can able to see the applications having the permission to access your call log.

Suspicious / spy apps

There are many different types of suspicious and applications. Install such applications in someone smartphone if anyone will do like that in your smartphone able to access all the data and the details in your smartphone very easily.
So we must want to prevent it. You can use this application for that. You can able to see the suspicious and spy apps installed in your smartphone using this feature. So can you find it you can easily able to uninstall it to prevent the attempt of spying your smartphone by someone.

Apps has Ads

You know that mini applications in your smartphone contain many different types of Ads. Sometimes it will be a disturb or it will affect the smooth using of such applications due to the continuous Ads.
You can able to see such applications installed in your smartphone using this feature.

App’s folder

You can able to see the folder of each and every applications installed in your smartphone from this section.

Hidden system apps

There will be many system apps in every smartphone. Many of them are hidden.
It is difficult to find such applications normally. But you can I am going to to see see all such a hidden system apps using this feature.

Some other features available in this section are given below.

1) App usage statistics
2) Sideloaded applications
3) Potential malicious applications.

This application also provided some other important sections I am features for you like file manager. but the file manager product by this application is not like the common file manager of your smartphone. This file manager is like the file manager in PC. So it will help you to manage the files in your smartphone very easily like you manage the files in your PC.
Some other important features provided by this application are also given below. If you want further details of the features of this applications install it now using the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post.

1) Files
2) Applock
3) Cleaner
4) Utility

These are the features provided by these applications to help you to to manage each and everything in your smartphone. If you like this Android device manager application, install it now. Don’t forget to share your feedback about the features of this application.

See you soon.


convert text to handwriting

Hello, welcome back to another article of searchjobz.com. Today I’m going to introduce a very useful website for you and you should try it for at least a single time.Actually this is an awesome website. I think that you have a misunderstanding that we only introduce Android applications and tips through this website. But it is not like that. We also introduced many iOS tips and windows tips. You can check it out from the website.

Anyway today i’m going to introduce a very useful website for everyone who uses a smartphone. All of us know what handwriting is. Handwriting means writing something or writing related things. We also write many things in our life. Writing is a very essential part in our daily life.
It is essential for official things and local things. Writing is also able to express many things.Writing is essential for studying. In short we are able to say that writing or handwriting is a very important thing.

So today we are going to introduce a handwriting related website. We can also call this website a realistic handwriting generator. Do you know about realistic handwriting generators ? Realistic handwriting generator means generating the text that you type in the particular website into a realistic manner.

Are you still confused ? Don’t worry. I will give you a brief about it by providing some examples. After reading all these things you are easily able to understand everything about realistic handwriting generators. Before that I will introduce the website which provides the realistic handwriting generator feature.

This is the name of the website. We can also consider the features provided by this website as converting text to handwriting.
That means if you want to change the appearance of the text that you wrote into a handwriting, you are able to use this website for that. That means if you want to send the picture of something that you write in your notebook to somebody and you don’t have a notebook or you are unable to write, you can use this website.

While you open this website using the given link below this post you may see a picture of a page. There are also some dummy texts on it. You are able to replace it by the text you enter. When your writing becomes complete, it will look like it was written on a page. This is the important feature of this website.
This website also provides some editing tools to assist the handwriting. They are given below.

1) Handwriting font2) Upload your handwriting font3) Page and text options4) Spacing options5) Margin and line options
After writing the text click on the ‘ generate image ‘ . At that time you are able to see the text you entered like the text written on a page.You are also able to download the picture. 
Anyway this is all about this website.Try this website now. Don’t forget to share your feedback and user experience.
See you soon.

CLICK HERE TO convert text to handwriting

Message reader for whatsapp

Hello everyone, today iam here to introduce a very useful application for all android smartphone users. You should try this application atleast for a single time in your life. So read this article completely to know more about this application.

I think all of you use whatsapp in your smartphone for interact with people. So we can say that whatsapp is a part of the daily life of the all smartphone users.
The application that iam going to introduce today is also a whatsapp related application. That means this application support a very useful feature for the whatsapp users. Read this article completely to understand all the details of this application.

Message reader for whatsapp

This is the name of this application. Do you know what it means ? Like i mentioned above of you use whatsapp to send messages, pictures and videos to your friends and family members e.t.c.

While you communicate through whatsapp, you will also read the reply messages send by someone to you. But you can’t able to read such type of messages everytime.

For example, if you receive a message while you are driving a vehicle you are not allowed to use your smartphone. It is against the traffic rule. So you want to read it by stop your vehicle on the road side. But it will distract the continuity of your travel and if you want to reach at your destination very fastly, you can’t able to reach there if you stop the vehicle whenever you recieve a whatsapp message.

How to solve this problem

You can able to solve this issue using this application. Do you know how ? I will tell you.
That means if you receive a whatsapp text message while you are driving, you can able to understand it using this application. That means this application will read particular message to you. So you can easily able to understand the matter in the text message send by your friends, family members, or from any official places.

This feature of this application is work based on the Google text to speech feature. So you can easily able to recognise the message received to you with the help of this application.


This is more comfortable feature. That means you can able to hear the mesage through your headset when your smartphone is connected to headphone.


You can able to use this feature to hear the message with Bluetooth connectivity devices. It is more comfortable when you are at gym or in such places.

This application also support a feature to stop the message reading. Through the settings of this application you can able to disable and enable this application and it’s features whenever you want.

So that’s all about this application. Click on the ‘ download now ‘ button available below thi post to install this application in your Android smartphone. Don’t forget to post your feedback after use this application.

See you soon.