Today I am here to introduce a very useful app for you. This app will really help you to maintain a very important thing in your smartphone. So after read this article completely try this Android app at least for a single time.
Net blocker

Net blocker is the name of this application. We are all smartphone users. Why do we use your smartphone we will definitely insert SIM card to it can we use it for make call and use internet.Many different types of apps in our smartphone. So why we use internet in our smartphone the internet will be also consumed by the apps installed in our smartphone.So in the case of some apps it will consume more internet. Due to that we are unable to use internet for mini essential things. If you are also facing such a problem in your smartphone this app will help you. Do you know how ?
Block Net Access
Like I mentioned above there are some apps In our smartphone which was rarely used. But it will consume high internet. In this case you can use this app. That means by using this app you can able to prevent the selected apps from using internet. You can select the particular application that you want to prevent using internet.
how to block Wifi
You can also able to prevent apps from using internet through Wi-Fi.
Actually this app is very easy to use. So try this app in your smartphone and compare the consumer internet before and after install this app.Don’t forget to you share your feedback after use this app.
See you again with another tech update