Today I am here to introduce a very useful app for you. This app will really help you to maintain a very important thing in your smartphone. So after read this article completely try this Android app at least for a single time.
Net blocker


Net blocker is the name of this application. We are all smartphone users. Why do we use your smartphone we will definitely insert SIM card to it can we use it for make call and use internet.Many different types of apps in our smartphone. So why we use internet in our smartphone the internet will be also consumed by the apps installed in our smartphone.So in the case of some apps it will consume more internet. Due to that we are unable to use internet for mini essential things. If you are also facing such a problem in your smartphone this app will help you. Do you know how ?

Block Net Access

Like I mentioned above there are some apps In our smartphone which was rarely used. But it will consume high internet. In this case you can use this app. That means by using this app you can able to prevent the selected apps from using internet. You can select the particular application that you want to prevent using internet.

how to block Wifi

You can also able to prevent apps from using internet through Wi-Fi.
Actually this app is very easy to use. So try this app in your smartphone and compare the consumer internet before and after install this app.Don’t forget to you share your feedback after use this app.
See you again with another tech update


Shopping Price Comparison

The world of aare getting developing now. Many different types of apps are releasing on each day. So it’s our duty to introduce useful app among them to you.
So today we are going to introduce a very useful app for you. This app is really an useful one for all android users. If you get upset when I mentioned android users, don’t worry. We recently updated many iOS tips through this website. Check it out.

Common Kart

This is the name of this app. Actually this is a shopping related app. I think you may guessing from the name itself. But this is not an online platform to buy products. This app is a collection of almost all shoping apps. If you didn’t understand anything I will give you a brief about this app

Compare products

This is the main aim of the common kart app. You can able to compare products in different online stores from Common Kart.

Why this app and it’s features ?

Now a days majority of the people use online shopping platforms. There are many different types of online shopping platforms. While you are going to buy a product you will search for it in many online shopping platforms.
For example if you are going to buy a new smartphone, you may compare it’s price in many different online shopping platforms.
But it is really a difficult task. You want to visit many apps or websites to do this.
But if you install Common Kart you didn’t want to do like that. Almost all online shopping platforms are available in Common Kart. So you just want to install this single app instead of installing all online shopping platforms.
You can visit almost all shopping apps from this app itself. So you can easily compare the price from this app itself.

So this is the feature of this app. If you want to use this feature try this app now. Share your feedback after use the app.

See you soon with another update


sim card owner details online

Hello guys, welcome back to another tech update of our website. Today we are not going to introduce an app. So there is no exception in the people who can use it. Because today iam going to introduce a website, not an app.

This website is really an useful one for all smartphone users. I mean this website is useful one for everyone who use a sim card. Now a days all the smartphone users have atleast one sim card. That’s why I said that this website is useful one for all smartphone users.

This is the name of this website. You can able to find the registered mobile numbers registered using any of your id proof.

Why do you want to use this app ?

We all have one, two or more than two sim cards and we also know that we must need any of our id proof to own a sim card. We own all those sim cards by submit any of your id proof like adhar card, identity card, passport e.t.c.

Now a days we are aware about many different types of cyber problems. It also includes the issues related to sim cards. That means if anyone take a sincere with fake id or the id if any other one and when the investigation get started the culprit will be the owner of the sim card. Because the sim card is taken using their id. So this is really a serious matter.

This website will help you to solve this problem. Like I mentioned above you can anel to see the number of sim cards and the numbers taken using your id. If you find anyone which is not taken by you you can also able to report that from this website

How to use

First of all open the website using the given link. Then enter your mobile number and the OTP received to your mobile number. At that time you can able to see the list of the mobile numbers registered on your id. If any of the given number is not taken by you you can able to report it.

Some other facilities provided in this portal are given below.

Subscribers having more than nine multiple connections in their name will be intimated by sms.

Subscribers having more than nine multiple connections in their name can can take necessary action

There are also many other features that you can able to use with this website. So visit the website and use the feature. Then share your feedback.

See you soon

VLC for Android application

A video player app is very essential to every smartphone. There is a default video player in every smartphones. But there are many limitations in such apps. So you can’t able to use many more features with such applications. That’s why every people try a new video player APP other than the default video player application in their smartphone.


This is the name of the video player app that iam going to introduce today. Actually this is an awesome video player app. Because it provide many useful features. So by using all such features you can able to watch videos smoothly without facing any problems.

Video and Audio

In normal video player apps we can only able to play videos. But this app is not like that. You can able to play videos and audios using vlc. So you didn’t want to install an external app for play audios and songs.
VLC is also available for pc. But today we are discussing about the android version.
Supported formats
A these formats are support in vlc. So if you can’t able to play a video in your default app you can able to play it with vlc. Because vlc support almost all types of formats.
Multi track audio and subtitles are also available in vlc video player app. Other features available in vlc are given below.
Auto rotationAspect ratio adjustmentsGestures to control volume, brightness and seeking.


Install the app from the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post. Then provide necessary permissions to use the app perfectly. After that you can able to play videos and videos. If you can’t able to find videos you can search for it in the files.
So that’s all about the vlc video player app.Share your feedback after use the app.
See you soon


Voice Dialer Application

Hello everyone, today iam here to introduce q very useful app for all smartphone users. Actually this is an Android app. Do you think that we only introduce android applications through this website. No, we also introduced many iOS tips through this website. Check it out for more details.

Do you know one thing ? There will be a supplementary app for the android apps in app store. That means there will be a same app in iOS similar to the features of the android app.

Anyway let’s talk about the new app. Th name of this app is VoCaller. You may not understand nothing about this app while see the name. But there is a very special and useful feature in this app. If you want to know more about them read this article completely.

Voice call assist

This is the first feature of this app. That means normally what will you do for make a call in your smartphone. First of all you will search or dail the number and then make the call. It is a little bit difficult to search and scroll to find the exact contact that you want to call. This will be more difficult when you are in some activities like driving. Using smartphone while driving is really risk. But you can able to solve this issue by install this app in your smartphone. After install this app you didn’t want to pick your smartphone to place your call while you are in any activities.

How it works

After you set up this app you just want to double click on the power button to enable the feature of this app. That means you just want pronounce the name of the contact that you want to call after press double click on the power button.

When you say the name VoCaller app will recognise it very fastly and it will make the call.

By using this app you can also able to switch on the speaker while you are in a call.
Another attractive feature of this app is it will also work if your smartphone is locked or the screen is turned off.

You can also able to customise many things in this app. So that’s all about this app. This app is very useful one for many people like the people can’t able to pick up smartphone e.t.c.

Install the app from the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post. Don’t forget to share your feedback after install and use this app.

See you again.


Toolkit for WhatsApp

Hello, today we are going to introduce a very awesome app for you. This app is really an useful one for everyone who use whatsapp. That means this app is useful one for everyone who use a smartphone. Because now a days there will not be anyone who use a smartphone without using whatsapp in it. Because whatsapp is one of the favourite social media app for everyone who use a smartphone.

So the app which we are going to introduce today is also a whatsapp related app. This app provide some extra ordinary features which whatsapp didn’t provide.

That means there are many limitations in whatsapp. For example you can’t able to forward a message to more than 5 people or groups. There are many such limitations. But if you install this app using the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post you can easily able to overcome all such distractions and restrictions of whatsapp. So for understanding the uses of this app first of all you want to know about the features of this app.

Status saver

By using this feature you can able to save the status of your whatsapp contacts very easily.
This feature is not there in the normal whatsapp.

Bulk whatsapp message

You can able to sent unlimited messages automatically using this feature.

Direct chat

Normally you want to save the phone number of anyone to contact them through whatsapp. But you didn’t want to save the whatsapp number of the one who you want to send whatsapp message. You just want to enter the number and message and send the message. That’s it.

Other features

1) Recover deleted whatsapp messages
2) Whatsapp web
3) Chat style
4) Video splitter
5) Whatsapp auto forwarder
6) Generate chat report
7) Sticker maker
8) Whatsapp status maker
9) Gif status maker
10) Photo editing

These are the some other important features provided by this app. I think you are well familiar with the features like whatsapp web and recover deleted message. You can also able to import contact CSV using this app. Anyways that’s all about this app. Insta and use this app to increase the performance and features of whatsapp.

Don’t forget to share your feedback after install and use this app.

See you soon


How Make Stickers by using Bobble Keyboard

Hello guys, today iam here to introduce a very useful app for you. Like I said before this android app is really an useful one for all smartphone users. Every smartphone users must want to install this app. Because this app provide a very important and useful feature for all smartphone users. So after read this article iam definitely sure that you will install this app.

Make Sticker emoji

Bobble AI keyboard

This is the name of this app. Now you may understand that keyboard apps or feature is very essential for all smartphones. There is already an inbuilt keyboard in every smartphones. But there will be many limitations in such apps. Because it can’t provide many features. It only provide a limited features. If you want to use external awesome features you must want to install an app. So this is the app which provide many useful and awesome features.

Sticker keyboard

This app provide a very useful feature and it’s called sticker keyboard. You can able to use many different types of stickers. This app also provide personalised cartoon bobble head feature.

Other features

This keyboard app also provide attractive emojis. You can use it while you chat with your friends through social media apps like whatsapp.
You can also use glide typing in this app. This means you just want to slide on letters to type fastly.

If you type any word incorrectly this keyboard will help you to correct it very easily.
Some others features of this app are given below.

Voice typing
Cool fonts
Keyboard photo themes

This indic keyboard application is an Indian app. So it provide almost all regional languages in India. So you can select your regional language.

So that’s all about this app. Try this app and share your feedback.

See you soon