Touch Assistive Application

J Touch is the name of the app which iam going to introduce today. I think you may not see amd install this app before. But don’t think that this is a normal app. This app provide you a very useful feature. If you want to know more about J Touch app read this article completely.

Touch Assistive

Like mentioned in the sub heading this is a touch assistive app. Do you know what is touch assistive and when this app become useful for you? I will give you a brief on it.
Suppose if your smartphone’s touch of particular side will damage what will you do to enable touch there ? It is impossible. But you can able to make it possible very easily using this app. You just want to provide less than 1 MB for this app in your smartphone.

By using this app you can able to bring many different types of features and buttons into assistive touch. It is very easy. There are many actions that you can able to bring to the feature of this app. They are given below.
Back keyHome keyLock screenNotification panelRecent appsMove buttons positionSwitch to last appPower button adjustVolume button adjustRing mode adjustLock screen ( You want to root your smartphone to use the lok screen feature from this app )Menu key ( You want to root your smartphone to use the lok screen feature from this app )Close current app ( You want to root your smartphone to use the lok screen feature from this app )
So once your smartphone get damaged or if there is any issue with the button of your smartphone you can use this app.

It is better to install this app now itself. Because incase there is any issues with the touch on more are you may unable to install this app.
So that’s all about J Touch app. Share your feedback after use this app.See you soon with another tech update.


Live transcribe app

Hi guys, today iam here with another app called Live Transcribe. This is really an useful app for everyone who has a smartphone. Do you know what is transcribe ? Transcribe means recognising voice and convert it into text.

This is also such an app. This app will transcribe anything live on your screen. This app is not a normal live transcribe app. Of you want to know more about this app read this article completely.

This app will also recognise notifications and other sounds on your surrounding. For example if you whistle from the near of your smart phone it will recognise that sound and show us that it is a whistle sound.

This app is work on the basis of Google’s state of the art automatic speech technology. So this app provide you a better experience while you transcribe. This app also provide you a very smooth transcribing. Which means it will exactly shoe the words say by you.

This app also support many different types of languages. So people from almost all countries can use this app for transcribing.The working of this app is very simple.
First of all install this app. Then open it and provide necessary permissions. Then start talking to the live transcribe app. All the words spoken by you will capture by live transcribe app accurately in any languages available in this app.

While you speak a blue colour bubble like icon will appear on the right above corner of your smartphone.
This app also have many other important and useful features. Try this app and share your feedback.See you soon with another tech update.



We are all whatsapp like social media users. Whatsapp have many awesome features. You can able to send text, image, video, audio, sticker, GIF messages to anyone who have whatsapp. So today iam going to introduce a whatsapp related app. This is really a useful one for all who use whatsapp.

Voicey apk

This is the name of this app. There is hint in the name of this app itself it is related to voice. By using this app you can able to listen to the voice messages in whatsapp very easily.Now you may think that is this os the surprising feature of this app ? Don’t worry. This is not the important feature of this app.

Listen voice message without appear blue tick
While you send a voice message to someone through whatsapp a blue double tick will appear if they see your voice message and if they hear it the change of their near their profile picture will also change to blue colour.The meaning of such blue colour is the reciever is viewed or played the message. This is a common feature every whatsapp user know. The feature of this app is also related to this. Do you know how ? 

How this app works ?

You can able to hear the voice messages send by anyone whithout open whatsapp and turn the tick mark to blue colour. It is very simple.First of all install this app.

Then provide necessary permissions. After that you can able to see the voices from Voicey. Voicey will also create a folder with each day. So you can simply able to recognise voices of each day.

So that’s all about this voicy. Install this app and share your feedback.See you soon with another update.



Hi guys, welcome back to another app review of our website. Today iam going to introduce an app which is related to alphabets. Do you have any idea ? Can you able to guess which type of app is this ?
Fonts – Font keyboard for Emoji, Symbols and Kaomoji

This is the name of this app. I think you can able to guess that this a keyboard app. We already used many different types of keyboard apps including the default keyboard in our smartphone. But this keyboard is not like that. You can able to change the font of text very easily by just a touch.

How to change font
First of all install this app. After that allow necessary permissions. Then tap on the keyboard switching icon and select font keyboard.After that you just want to select the font you want and start writing.
Many different types of awesome fonts are available in this app. By using these types of fonts you can able to make your content more attractive. So the particular content which include the fonts in this app will invite more attention.
So that’s all about this app. Install this app and share your feedback.See you soon with another tech update



Today iam going to share a brief of a very useful app for you through this article. We are all smartphone users. While we use smartphone we may install and use many different types of apps in it.

Do you ever think that what is the purpose of installing such apps. If not, its the time for it.I think that you must want to think about the entire features of an app before installing it.That’s why we introduce only useful apps through this website.

Likewise today also iam going to share a very useful app for you. The name of the app is Translate on Screen.
Which type of app is this ?
This is a translation app. But it’s not like other translation apps. That means this app have an extra feature which is really useful.That feature is same as mentioned in the name of this app.

You can able to translate any text to almost all languages using this app in few seconds.There are many different types of translation apps. But you may not see such a feature in any of such apps.
You can able to translate text in many apps and platforms. They are given below.
Translate text on appsTranslate text on phone screenTranslate on gameTranslate voiceTranslate cameraTranslate copied textTranslation using bubble featureTranslate screenScan and translate textOCR text scanner
These are the different type of translation method provide by this app and majority of them are very familiar. So now it’s your turn.Install this app and share your feedback.
See you soon with another tech update


Save your contact on google

Hi guys, today iam here to introduce a very important app. This is really an useful app for all smartphone users. This is a genuine app. Because this app is owned by the Google. We know that there are many default google apps in our smartphones. But this app is not a default app in our smartphones.

Google contact features

The name of this app is Contacts. Now you my understand that this app is related to contacts. There are many contacts in our smartphone. While saving contacts in smartphones majority people save in the sim card. While save contacts in the sim card and smartphone there is a chance to face a problem.

That means if your smartphone get damaged and you want to reset it you will lost the contacts saved in your smartphone if you didn’t copied it.Likewise if your sim card get damaged you will lose the contacts saved in particular sim card.

How to solve this problem This problem is really a headache. Because we will lose many important contacts in this issue.But you can easily able to overcome this problem using the contacts app of google.

You just want to select your google account while save a number in your smartphone.If you do like you will not lose the contacts saved in your google account.Once your smartphone or sim card get damaged you can easily able to recover the contacts that you saved in your google account by just login to the particular google account from any other smartphone.This is the use of contacts app of google. Try this app now and share your feedback.

See you soon with another tech update



Hi, today iam going to i an awesome app through this article. If you are active in social media this app is really an important and essential one for you. I think there is no need to mention social media users. Because now a days we are all social media users. Anyway let’s talk about the new app.

This is the name of this app. Whatscropping-  set the full size dp is the most relevant word to describe this app in one word. Now you may understand something about this app. Before briefing more about the app you want to know some things related to this app.

Profile photos
Like I mentioned above we are all social media users. Aps like whatsapp, instagram, facebook e.t.c are the part of of our daily life. While we use such apps upload our photos as profile picture. But in many cases we are unable to set the full photo as profile picture.But you can able to set the entire photo as profile picture using this app.That means you can able to resize the photo very easily using this app. You can also able to add many more filters to the photo from this app. There are also many more other features in this app which is really useful for photo resizing and editing.

After installing and use this app you can able to resize ay photos to the resolution of the social media app’s profile picture very easily. There are many similar apps. This is one of the best app among them. There are no complications in this app and in the resizing feature.

If you want to resize your photos try this app. Share your feedback after use this app.
See you soon with another tech update