Hello guys.Today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.The features of this awesome application will really attract you to install this application.This is a background video recorder application.hide video recording .That means you can able to record videos at any time even your smartphone is off.

This application will work even your phone is locked in state.That means anyone who look to your smartphone or take it,can’t able to recognize the ongoing background recording in your smartphone.Video will also record when you use any other applications and you can also able to use front camera or back camera to record videos.

If you want to record videos,just press the power button for four times and do the same thing for stop the recording.
Now you understand that the method of recording is very easy.So now I will say about the other important features of this application.After capture a video you can able to trim it as per your wish.hide video recording

when anyone of your friends will take you smartphone,they can’t able to find the presence of this application.Because you can able to change the icon of the application very Simply.Iam sure that this is the one and only application that provide you these much attractive features.

If you miss the datas of this application,you can able to back up by using ‘GOOGLE DRIVE BACK UP’.You can also able to set a timer to start/stop the recording.If your smartphone didn’t have the sufficient storage,the recording will be automatically stopped.

This application is a well encrypted application.So you can use this application very easily.So i recommend you to install this application for a better background recording in a most better method.

protect your whats app

how to protect your whats app
how to protect your whats app.Hello guys,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application that will really help you to protect your privacy in whats app. The name of the application is ‘LOCK FOR WHATS CHAT APP’.This application help you to protect your whats app chatting from others.When we use whats app,already we get so many privacy features.But this application provide you an outstanding feature for whatsapp.In whats app,we chatting with our friends.In some cases,we want to talk some important matters with our whats app contacts.But we can’t able to make any locks for our chatting.

You can only make lock for whats app application using app lock applications.But using this application you can able to make pin number for any whats app contacts and for groups.So you can able to hide your personal chats from others.I thinks this application is the best suitable one for all whats app users who would like to protect their whats app chatting from others.how to protect your whats app

whats app protecting application

You can able to use this application simply.After install the application set a four digit pin number.This is the password for opening your whatsapp chatting that you gave this lock.After doing that provide a recovery email.Because,incase you forgot the password you can able to backup your password with your E-mail.After that gave permission to the application to start it and to use it.

When you done all these things,open the application.At that time you will see a ‘+’ button on the below of the screen.That is a option for select the contacts for gave password.You can set the password for any number of contacts and groups.

If you are a user of this application anyone who take your smartphone can’t able to see your personal chatting in whats app. So iam sure that this application is really an useful one for all.So i recommend you to install this application for protect your whatsapp privacy.

click here to install this app >>


HOW TO DOWNLOAD FACE BOOK VIDEOS. We use many type of social media applications in our smartphone like facebook,whatsapp e.t.c.We use these social medias for many purposes like share and receive important news and chatting e.t.c.Among these twoapplications,facebook have more attractive features.Through facebook,we can able to post and share photos,videos and texts.

When we see some of the photos and videos in facebook,we want to download that.We can able to download the photos.But we can’t able to download the videos in Facebook. Majority among us must try to download the videos from Facebook and you tube. Today i will introduce an application that will help you to download the videos from Facebook. I will definitely introduce an application later for download the videos from you tube. This application will help you to download the videos from Facebook. The name of the application is ‘VIDEO DOWN LOADER FOR FACEBOOK’.using this application,you can able to download any videos in Facebook easily. HOW TO DOWNLOAD FACE BOOK VIDEOS.

Download FB Videos

While using Facebook you will see a attractive video and you are interest to share it with your friends and make it as your whats app status.If you want to do that just install this application.
You can’t able to download the videos directly from Facebook. But,with this application you can able to download the Facebook videos.For that,Just copy the link of the video which you would like to download from Facebook and copy it in this application.After that you can able to download your selected videos.And also this application provide you a fast and simple downloading feature.

you can download more videos at a single time itself and if the downloading is complet you will get a notification.If you downloading a video and it paused when you turn off the mobile data,the downloading will be continue when you will switch on the mobile data.All the videos that you download are HIGH DEFINITION (HD) videos.By using this application you can also able to view Facebook feeds with the built-in browser.

Iam sure that all of us must search for an application like this for at least a single time.That’s why I introduce this application for you.So just install the application and start downloading the Facebook videos.


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Install All Application Free

We use many applications in our smartphone.We download many of them from ‘PLAY STORE’. Through play store,we can able to download many applications for free.But in some cases,we get some applications for payment.At that time we can’t able to download that type of applications without the payment.Now a days,majority of the people use online banking system.They can able to download those applications by using the payment option.

After install and use that type of applications,there is a chance to uninstall that applications by we itself or someone who use our smartphone.At that time,we lose the money that we use to install the payment applications.
But,with the application that I introduce today,you can able to download any type of applications in play store or internet without any payment.That means for FREE.The name of the application is ‘APPVN’.You can download this application from chrome.After install this application you can able to install and enjoy any applications for free.There are some awesome books in play store for payment.But using this application,you can able to download and read those E-BOOKS for free.

You can also download some outstanding applications like GTA
,SAN ANDREAS and CALL OF DUTY for free.So iam sure that this application is really helpful for everyone who can’t able to download some awesome payment applications.

This application have another important feature.That is,through this application,you can able to download any new or old favorite movies.So this application have somany attractive uses.Iam sure that this is the application that you are searching for a long time.

After reading this you can also understand that thing and you will be confirmed after install and use this application.So just try this application for a new and better performance.

click here to use this app >>>>

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how to control mobile phone data

how to control mobile phone inter net data.Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.This application is really a useful one to all smartphone users.The name of the application is ‘NO ROOT FIREWALL’.

This application help you to protect your internet privacy. This application protect your personal information from being send to internet.So after install this application,you can able to make your internet usage and personal data as a secure one.

We install many applications in our smartphone for many purposes.When we install those applications they may ask for a permission to access our datas.Majority of the people will give the permission without reading the policy of those applications.But if we itself give them permission,they can able to take all the things in our smartphone.After that they may be access our smartphone for many times due to our permission that we give at the time of installing.But if you are a user of this application,you can able to protect your privacy like internet usage and personal datas.

This is a firewall application without root.If any application in your smartphone will try to access your internet,a notification will send to you describing this.So you can able to prevent it easily.So due to the presence of this application in your smartphone,any applications in your smartphone can’t able to access your smartphone and track your internet usage. how to control mobile phone inter net data

We use our smartphone and internet for many important purposes.We keep many important things in our smartphone and also in our internet accounts.If you will give a permission to any applications to access your internet,they can able to see your all details that you keep in the internet.But this application will protect you from all that purposes.

If you are a internet user and and a user of many applications i recommend you to install this application.Because this application will protect your smartphone’s activities and act as a security to your smartphone and internet usage.

click here to use this app

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Hi guys,once again welcome back to the world of awesome applications.Today i would like to introduce an entirely different application that related to the hidden chat social media. especially whatsapp. I think that this application will really help you.The name of the application is ‘UNSEEN’.

The two important and attractive features of this application are ‘HIDDEN CHAT’ and ‘AVOIDING THE BLUE TICK’ in whatsapp and also in other messaging applications. With the ‘HIDDEN CHAT’ feature of this application you can able to read all the messages that you will receive through whatsapp and other applications without open the whatsapp or the other applications.Now-a-days whatsapp have somany attractive features.Seeing the list of the viewers of our posts is one of the important feature among them.

But if you are a user of this application,your whatsapp contacts can’t able to see your name in the viewers list of their post.So you can view all the posts in any whatsapp groups without fearing about the appearance of your name in the viewers list.So this one of the important feature of this application and this feature will protect your privacy in whatsapp.

The second outstanding feature of this application is ‘AVOIDING THE BLUE TICK’.When we send a message to our friends and if they will read it, a blue tick will appear below the message. Through this feature of whats app anyone can able to understand that you read the message or not.But this application will help you to hide the ‘blue tick’.Through this feature you can able to read all the messages that you receive without appearing the ‘blue tick’.This feature also help you to protect your privacy. hidden chat social media

You can also use this application and it’s features for many otherapplicationslike.facebook,messenger,skype,viber,instagram,twitter,s Snapchat and telegram.Simply we can say that this application is well suitable for all social media applications.

I think that this application will be a new experience to you.So i recommend you to install this application to enjoy the amazing features of this application.


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whats app online& status controlling application

whats app online time

whats app online time,We are well familiar with ‘WHATS APP’. majority of the people around us use whats app in their daily life.We use whats app for many purposes like chatting and calling.So anyway whats app is really a helpful application for everyone who use smartphone.

So today,i would like to introduce an application that related to whats app. The name of the application is ‘WHATSNOT ON WHATS APP’.This application is very useful one for all whats app users.Because this application provide many attractive features that related to whats app.

We use many applications in our smartphone.We use all of them with complete trust.Like that we use whatsapp also by expecting complete encryption.Through whatsapp we can able to upload our profile pictures and statuses.There are somany contacts in our whats app. When we upload our profile picture or status,they can able to see that.But in some cases,we may not like to show our profile and statuses to particular contacts due to some reasons.In such a case,this application is the most suitable one to you to use at that time.Simply we can say that,you can able to block them from seeing all your whats app activities.

By using this application you can able to show your profile pictures and statuses only to the selected contacts .That mean if you upload your status,it will be seen only whats app online time

by your selected contacts.So by using this application you can decide about your whats app privacy.You can also hide your ‘last seen’ from the selected contacts through this application.This application will also block their whats app incoming calls to your smartphone.So i think that all the whats app users must use this application as a ‘whats app assistant’.The outstanding features of this application is really like a whats app assist-or.whats app online time

So,if you would like to customize your whatsapp and it’s privacy as per your wish,just install this application.So try this application if you would like to enjoy these awesome features of this application.

click here to install this app

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