language voice translator

language voice translator

Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an awesome application for you.The name of the application is ‘WHATSVOICE:VOICE TRANSLATOR&TYPING’.This application is. a very useful one for all social media application users like whats app.

We may chat with many people through whats app. When we chat with our friends and relatives,we use our common language for chatting.But in some cases,we want to chat with some people who live in another country.Now a days,English is the official language of many countries.But,when we look to some countries,we can able to see that,the language of their country is not English and sometime,some people in that country didn’t know English.

In the counties like India,there are several languages.At that time,if anybody didn’t know the language of his neighbor state,he can’t able to talk with him directly or through social media applications like whats app.

But this application will help you to solve the problem.By using this application,you can able to chat with the people of any country very easily and comfortably.One of the important and attractive feature of this application is,you can able to chat with the foreigners as a person of their country or a person who know their language very well and can able to speak their language fluently.

After install this application,open it and have necessary permissions.After that select your language and the language which you want to translate your language to the particular language.After complete all these things,open your whats app and open any chat of any people who use other language.After that you can able to see a floating icon on your screen.Touch on it and speak anything in your language that you want to chat with your foreign friend.At that time,the message (you said in your language) will appear on your screen in your friend’s language.

By using this application,you can able to chat with any people of any country.It doesn’t matter that which language did they use to communicate and for other purposes like reading and writing.So if you want to chat with your foreign friends in their own language,i recommend you to install this application.


Font style application free download

Font style

Font style,today i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you.This application is really a helpful one for all smartphone users.The name of the application is ‘STYLISH TEXT’.When you see the name of the application,you can able to understand that this application is related to Text.That is right.Using this application,you can able to type anything very beautifully.

This application is a well suitable one especially for all social media users like whats app and messenger.When you use these type of social media applications,majority of the people use their default keyboard for typing.At that time,there will not anything special attraction for that words or message.But when we send a message to anyone or to our friends in beautiful and attractive letters,it will attract our friends to read the message.That’s why I said that,this application is a well suitable one for all social media users.

There are so many this type of applications in play store.But this application is not like such type of applications.This application have so many other attractive and useful features.This application have a floating icon feature.That will help you to open the application very fastly. That means,if you use whats app and you want to send a message to your friend by using the font styles of this application,you doesn’t need to close the whats app and open this application.

Just touch on the floating icon of this application and change the styles of letters and numbers.There is many different types of styles are available in this application.So you can able to select the most attractive one as per your wish.You can also able to enter to the settings of this application for customization purpose.And one of the important thing is,the floating icon of this icon is work well on all applications.

You can also able to acquire many other beautiful ideas by unlocking premium font styles.In this application,you can also able to create a new style by open the ‘style’ option and tap on the ‘+’ icon.This is one of the best feature of this application.You can also able to change the theme and other settings for a better use of this application.

So anyway,this is a best application for everyone who would like to make their letters more beautiful.If you want to make your letters more attractive one,i recommend you to install this application.


We introduce a number of applications on our website. Use it only at your own risk. Neither our website will be liable for any adverse events caused by this.



We are all whats app users.sometime,we may try to WHATS APP ONLINE TRACKER usage of our friends. But we can’t able to do it. For this purpose,there are so many applications in play store. But majority of them will not work properly.But using this application. You can able to track the whats app usage of anyone. I am sure that this application is really a helpful one. For all who would like to track the whats app usage of their friends and family members.

Using this application you can able to track the whats app usage of anybody very easily within a short period of time. You doesn’t want to take the smartphone which you would like to track. If you are a user of this application. You just need the phone number of the target person to track and you can able track his/her whats app usage very easily.


After install this application. Just select your country code and enter the phone number which you want to track.If you done all these steps successfully. You will get a notification when the target person will come online and go offline. That means you can also able to understand that,how much time his/her spend their time in whats app daily.

WHATS APP ONLINE TRACKER is a very useful one for parents. Because using this application,they can able to understand about the whats app usage of their children very easily. The method of working og this application is very simple and it’s features are outstanding one. So anyone who have a smartphone can able to use this application.
Iam sure that,this application will provide you a different experience in the world of whats app tracking. So i recommend you to install this application



due to insufficient storage solve the problem

due to insufficient storage

how to fix due to insufficient storage?Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application the application is ‘SMART VIDEO COMPRESSOR’.This application have so many attractive features.

This is a video compressor and resize tool application.Now-a-days,there are so many different types of smartphones are available.And also they have more internal storage.So they can able to use more space for videos and images e.t.c.But some people use some old smartphones that have only a little internal storage.So they can’t able to download more number of videos or large size videos without inserting a memory card.

But this application help you to solve the problem.By using this application,you can able to use more internal storage in your smartphone.That’s why I said that this application is a best suitable one especially for old smartphones users.It doesn’t mean that this application is not suitable for newly released smartphones.This application is well suitable for all Android smartphones.

Now I will tell how you can acquire more space in your smartphone.There are so many large size videos in your smartphone.You can able to reduce it’s size through this application by adjust the quality of the videos.You can also able edit the compressing speed of this into very slow,slow,medium,fast and very fast.And one another attractive feature is you can also able to change the dimension of the video into 10 different dimensions.

When we use some smartphones,we may face a lag.Due to this we can’t able to use some applications well.It will be disturbance in some cases like chatting and also you can’t able to perform well in games.This problem is formed due to the insufficient storage in your smartphone.When you face this problem in your smartphone,you will delete many videos and files and that may be our favorite one.But,don’t delete it.You can able to reduce it’s size with the help of this awesome application.

If you reduce the size of many videos by adjusting it’s quality,you can able to acquire more storage and also you can able to avoid the lag due to the insufficient storage.So if you face a problem like this in your smartphone due to insufficient storage,this application is a very useful one for you to solve your problem.After install this application and reduce the size of videos and files,you can able to use your smartphone very comfortably and smoothly.

You can also able to add videos from your files and capture videos for editing.So these are features and uses of this application.If you want to acquire more space in your smartphone by editing the quality of videos and edit your videos,install this application.

click here to install this app


set a lock
There are different types of app lock applications in play store. By installing such type of applications,you can able to set a lock for the applications in your smartphone.So,by set a lock to your applications,you can able to secure your all applications like whats app,Facebook,games,gallery e.t.c.So today I would like to introduce an entirely different app lock application.

This application is not like other app lock applications.It provide you some other attractive features and the common features of other app lock applications. The name of the application is ‘ULTRA LOCK’.After install this application,provide a pin number.After that select the applications in your smartphone that you want to set a lock.After that just close the application and open any applications that you set the lock.You can able to open the application only after provide the correct pin number.

The next feature of this application is an attractive one.That is,you can also able to set the fingerprint lock in this application.When you use fingerprint lock instead of the pin Number lock,it ensure more secure to your applications.

The next feature of this application is one of the best feature provided by this application.You can able to move photos and videos to this application.If you do that,the photos and videos that you moved to this application will be disappeared from your mobile gallery.That means,you can also able to use this application as a ‘vault application’.This is the third feature of this application.All these features if this application is really a useful one.

Among the features of this application,the most attractive one is the next feature.This application provide you some different types of locks and this is the most secure one when compare to locks like pin number,password and pattern lock.The are
*Hours and Minute pin
*Date and Month pin
*Minute and Date pin
*Pin and Minute pin
*Minute and Month pin
*Month and Minute pin
*Hours and Date pin
*Date and Hours pin
*Date and Date pin
*Battery and Battery pin
*Battery and Minute pin
*Minute and Battery pin
*Battery and Hours pin
*Hour and Battery pin

So,these are the most secure lock and best lock that provide by this application.You can able to set this lock very easily. First of all open this application and open the settings of this application and select ‘lock type’.After that select any type of lock among the the above mentioned locks.After this,if you open any application that you provide the lock,it will not open by provide the previous pin number.

If you want to set this type of a lock enable any type of lock among the above locks.If you select the’Hours and Minute pin’,first type the current Hour and Minute in your smartphone.And if you select the ‘Battery and Battery’ option,type the current battery percentage of your smartphone like 100100,5050 e.t.c.This is the most secure lock provided by this application.

This application also contain the other features like intruder detection,changing theme.So anyway this is the best app lock application for Android users.If you want to use this application in your smartphone to provide high security for your application,install this application.


make a free application

make a free application

Hi guys,today we are dealing with a different topic. Iam sure that you must look for this one at least for a single time.So toady i would like to introduce ‘HOW TO CREATE A FREE APPLICATION’.Making an application is a dream of many people.But many people think that,it can be done only through computer.But it is definitely wrong.You can also able to make an application with your own smartphone.

There are so many applications in play store that help to make a free application in your own smartphone.But when you create a free application through such type of installed applications,there must be a lot of limitations to it.If you want to make a free application with a lot of outstanding features.You can make a free application with the help of a site.The name if the site is ‘ANDROID CREATOR.COM’.If you want to make a free application through your smartphone,open the chrome and enable ‘desktop mode’.if you open a computer,normally open the chrome.

So after open the chrome,just search for the site ‘ANDROID CREATOR.COM. After open the site,sign up.For that first give a company name as per your wish and select your country and provide your email.After that provide a password.At that time you receive a confirmation email and you can able to create and open an account with this.After that a Window will be appear.At that time choose the option ‘CREATE APP’.After that a second window will be appear.Give a suitable name for your application.This name is not a permanent one.You can able to edit it later.If you done this,select an icon and language . for your application.After this give a description about your application and click the ‘NEXT’ option just below it.

At that time a new interface will appear in your screen.In this,you can able to set a style for your application.So,after set a style for your application click on the ‘NEXT’ button.At that time a new window will be appear and you can able to select the category of your application here.There are so many different types of categories are available here.

After this a new window will be appear.In this window,provide a title and add a web page.After that click on the ‘NEXT’ button.At that time a new window will be appear.At that time choose the option ‘GO TO APP MANAGER’.Through this feature,you can able to customize your application like edit the name,icon,description,designs,menu type e.t.c.
If you want to upload your application into playstore select the option ‘RATE APP’.I f you want to add any message to your application while open it,you can also add here.

The next step is create a session.For that click on the option ‘SECTIONS’ and select ‘CREATE SECTION’.You can able to add so many attractive features to your application like web page,html,text and images,videos,audio,chat,chat finder,user finder,sub menu e.t.c.You can also able to chat with the users of your application by enable the option ‘send notification’ and ‘conversations’.There is also some other options like statistics and AD.So you can able to earn money through ‘Admob’.

If you completed all these steps,click on the ‘DOWNLOAD APP’ to download your application.So these are the steps to create a free application in your smartphone.If you want to make a free application,follow the above steps.

Download YouTube videos

Download YouTube videos

Hi guys,today i would like to introduce Download YouTube videos for you and this is a very useful one.We all are you tube users and we watch many different types of videos in you tube. When we watch some videos,we may like it.At that time you may wish to download it directly from the you tube. But you can’t able to download it directly from the you tube. The you tube didn’t provide such a feature for the users.

Through you tube,you can able to download some videos.But these videos will not available in your gallery.You can able to see that video only through you tube. The downloading option is also available for only some few videos.This is a main limitation of you tube and it will be a disturbance to the you tube users. Now a days,there are so many applications in to download the you tube videos.You can able to download the you tube videos through such types of applications.But it is a difficult task to download the videos through such applications.

But don’t worry.There is a solution to solve this problem.There is a different and easier method to download all you tube videos very easily by your current facility of your smartphone.For that you just need any browser like GOOGLE or any other browser applications.In all smartphones there is google,already. That’s why I said that,you didn’t want to install any application for this purpose.
If you want to download the you tube videos without using any new applications,just follow the below steps.

1)Open the youtube and select the video that you want to download.

2) Click on the’SHARE’ option below the video and select the ‘copy link’.

3)Open any browser (GOOGLE).

4)Type ‘’ and search it.

5)Copy the link in the opened browser.

The name of the browser is ‘online video down loader’.
After that click on the ‘download’ option and select the quality of the video.After that give the necessary permissions.At that time the download will be started.After that,you can able to see that video from your gallery or any other video players. Like this,you can able to download any number of videos from youtube. If you want to download the attractive videos from you tube,follow the above steps.