Hi guys,toady o would like to introduce ‘HOW to make HOW TO MAKE FULL SCREEN video using the kine master application. You may see many different types of whats app videos. Some videos are including songs with a outstanding background effect. You may see these types of videos in the social media applications like you tube,Facebook e.t.c.

While you see such type of videos.You never think about the method of making such videos using the kine master application. It is not a risky task.It is very easy to make such a status video using the kine master application. So toady we are going to introduce the steps to make such type of a whats app status video using kine master application. If you follow the below instructions,you can also able to make such a video very easily in a little time.

First of all install the kine master application in your smartphone. After that open the application and select appropriate ratio for the video. After that select the video from your smartphone gallery and extend it’s duration and apply the pan and zoom option


After that select the layer option and select media and choose black color and fill it completely on the screen. Then reduce the opacity. After this again select the layer option and choose effect option to apply blurred effect to the video. Next these steps,select the three dot option to select duplicate option. After that and enable mask in cropping option and sect the shape option to select appropriate shape to add to the center of the video.

And that select the suitable template to the video from the media option in layer. After that you can also able to add any text to the video. So these are the steps to make a status video using kine master application. Just follow the above steps to make such a video by using your smartphone.


Soul effect template

Hi friends,toady i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.Iam sure that this application is really an useful one for everyone.So you must install this application.
By using this application in your smartphone,you can able to bring the music in the screen in an explosion of bright colours.This is one of the important feature of this application.But this is not the only feature of this application.This application have many outstanding features.If you are a music lover and you have a passion in music,this application is an exact option for you.
So let me introduce the other feature of this application.This application visualise sound and music coming from the other applications.Iam sure that this is also one of the best feature of this application.

This application will also help you to display dramatically the artist name and track name for most popular music players.
By using the shortcut feature,you can able to link your favourite music player application.This application also have extensive colour and shape for tweak.These are the features of this application.But the another attractive feature of this application is glistening particles.This will keep the screen alive with motion even when music is not playing.
So these are the features of this application.If you want to use the above mentioned features of this application,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.


Simple template making

Hi guys,today i would like to introduce an entirely different editing application and also with the help of this application you can able to edit your photos very easily with outstanding features.

By using this application you can able to edit your pictures with the help of outstanding features.You may see many editing applications in playstore and in many websites.But snapseed is not like other editing application.If you are an user of this application you can able to gave a new face to your pictures.This application also have many awesome features other than a common photo editing application.This application is an outstanding professional photo editing application developed by Google.So you can expect a better experience of image editing from this application.
Now let’s talk about the features of this application.As i said above,you can able to make your photos more beautiful with the help of this application.
First of all install this application in your smartphone.After that open the application and give necessary permissions.After that select a picture for edit.At that time you can able to see there three main features.The first one among them is styles.By using this feature,you can able to provide many attractive filters for the picture.
The second feature is tools.This feature have many other sub-features like tune image,detials,curve,white balance,crop,rotate,expand,healing,vintage,HDR-scape,text,portrait e.t.c.
The third feature is export.It includes some saving options like save,export,export as and share the edited pictures.

These are the features of this application.If you want to edit your pictures with mind blowing features,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.


TEARING photo editing PicsArt

Hi guys,today i would like to introduce an entirely different editing application and also with the help of this application you can able to edit your photos very easily with outstanding features.
By using this application you can able to edit your pictures with the help of outstanding features.

You may see many editing applications in play store and in many websites.But snapseed is not like other editing application.If you are an user of this application you can able to gave a new face to your pictures.This application also have many awesome features other than a common photo editing application.This application is an outstanding professional photo editing application developed by Google.So you can expect a better experience of image editing from this application.

Now let’s talk about the features of this application.As i said above,you can able to make your photos more beautiful with the help of this application.
First of all install this application in your smartphone.After that open the application and give necessary permissions.After that select a picture for edit.At that time you can able to see there three main features.The first one among them is styles.By using this feature,you can able to provide many attractive filters for the picture

The second feature is tools.This feature have many other sub-features like tune image,details,curve,white balance,crop,rotate,expand,healing,vintage,HDR-scape,text,portrait e.t.c.
The third feature is export.It includes some saving options like save,export,export as and share the edited pictures.
These are the features of this application.If you want to edit your pictures with mind blowing features,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.



Hi guys,today iam going to introduce an outstanding application for all whats app users.Actually this is a whats app status related application.That means by using this application in your smartphone,you can able to download many different types of attractive whats app statuses very easily.
While we use the social media applications like whats app,Facebook and Instagram,we many upload any different types of statuses.So sometimes,we didn’t get a video for status.And sometimes we didn’t get a short video.You can only able to use 30 seconds video for status.If you use any other videos having duration of more than 30 seconds,that video will be automatically reduced into 30 seconds.At that time some important parts of that video will be lost.

But if you are user if this application,don’t worry about this problem .If you are a user of this application,you can able to download the videos in many different languages like Hindi,Gujarati,Marathi,Bengali,Punjabi,Tamil,Telugu and Malayalam.
And also you can able to download the videos according to your mood.In this application you can also able to follow and chat to the other users who upload status videos into this application
You will get all types of status from this application like music,emotional,film related,religion,attitude e.t.c.We can simply say,you will get all types of status videos from this application for whatsapp,facebook,instagram e.t.c.

You can also able to cut,trim,copy and merge videos with animated texts,themes,posters,transitions and share the videos and you can also able to capture videos using this application.Another feature of this application is lyrical video editing.That means,you can able to add a video to this application from your gallery and add music,emoji,texts,images and stickers to the it.

Anyway these are the features of this application.If you want to get attractive status videos for what,Facebook,Instagram,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone



Hi guys,we introduced many different types of applications through this website.But today we are going to introduce an entirely different application for you.This application is a gaming application.But we can’t able to consider this application as a common gaming application.You can able to install many different type of games from play store and some websites.But you didn’t get anything by playing such games.But if you install this application and play different types of games,you can also to earn unlimited money.
The name of this application is ‘BIG CASH’.By playing games using this application you can able to earn money easily and withdraw it to your paytm wallet.
You will get 10 rupees bonus cash when you sign up in this application.And also if you refer your friend into this application,you will get 11 rupees.By using this application you can able to win upto 20 lakh rupees.There is no need of KYC for withdraw your money into paytm and if your Earnings become 50 rupees,you can able to Withdraw it into your paytm wallet .
This application contain around 15 different types of games so you can able to select your favorite game and play it and earn money easily.You can also able to play games by paying to it.For that you can able to add money through paytm,debit/credit card,net banking e.t.c.

So these are the features of this application.If you want to earn money by playing simple games,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.

Torn paper video editing

Torn paper video editing

Hi guys,today i would like to introduce a wonderful image editing application for you and iam sure that this application will help you to gave a new awesome face to your photos.The name of this application is ‘TURN PHOTO EFFECTS’.This is a very useful application to the people who want to make their photos very attractive one.Torn paper video editing

For that this application provide you many different types of features.First of all install the application in your smartphone and open the application.After that open the application and gave necessary permissions.After that add a photo from your gallery to this application.You can also able to capture a new picture by your camera through this application.If you complete all these steps,just enter to editing purpose.

Torn paper video editing app

Firstly,you can able to add frames to your photos.For that this app provide you many attractive frames and among these you can able to select the suitable frame for your photo.
After that you can able to add effects to your photos.For that this feature have two options like inside and outside.Select the appropriate one and choose your favorite effect to your photo.You can also able to adjust the blur of the photo.After all these steps,you can also able to add texts to the photos For that this application provide you many different types of font styles and colors.
These are the steps to edit your photos using this application.After editing you can also able to save the edited photo and share it with the save and share options.This is a just 3 mb application.So you can able to install this application in any smartphone that have a little space.
If you want to edit your photos very easily with simple steps,I recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.