Video Status Maker app

Hi guys, what’s up ! Hope you are going good. Today we are going to add an awesome app to the list of apps that we introduced through this website. Iam definitely sure that this is really an useful app for everyone who use social media apps like whatsapp, instagram, facebook e.t.c.
While you use such apps, you may definitely update statuses in it.
It is a truth that status became the part of each and everyone’s life who use social media apps. Everyone try to find good quality and attractive videos for statuses.Video Status Maker

So today iam going to introduce an app which will help to create beautiful videos for update statuses in social media apps and other uses.
You may use many different types of apps for create and edit videos.
There are many different types of softwares for editing videos in pc. It is also like that in the case of Android.

Video Status Maker

This app is also like that. The name of this app is ” Boo – video status maker ” . Like I mentioned above this app is really a best ine for everyone who would like to get awesome status videos in good quality.
For creating short videos for status, this app provide many awesome templates for you. So you can able to the best suitable template for your content among them.
Do you think that adding photos to ready-made templates is impossible ? It’s absolutely wrong. Because you can also able to photos to the templates for make it more attractive.

The provided templates by this Video Status Maker app

1) Latest
2) Popular
3) Love
4) News
5) Lyrical
6) Particle
7) Magic
8) Dialogue
9) Birthday
10) Anniversary
11) Wedding
12) Friendship
13) Indian
14) Republic day
15) Holy
16) Diwali
17) Christmas

After creating it you can also able to preview it. It is very easy to export, save and share the videos that you created through this app.



WhatsAuto – Reply App Download

Hi guys, we all are interested with new technologies and developments in many sectors. If you are an user of a smartphone you must interested in the modern technologies in smartphone. So we introduced many useful apps through this website having a lot of awesome and useful features.
Likewise today also iam going to introduce an app for you.
The name of this app is ” whatsauto ” . I think you may not understand anything while you see the name of this app. But don’t worry. I will help you to understand more about this app and it’s features and also how it become an useful app for people who use smartphone.

Like i said above majority of the people use atleast a single smartphone now. And majority of them must use atleast a single social media app.
You use social media apps for chat with your friends, family members and with some other people.

So sometimes you want to send a same message or gave reply to many people. If you are busy with your work at that time, what will you do ? It is essential to reply atleast for a single time to the incoming message.
If you are entrepreneur, this type of feature is very essential for you. In short you can able to create a bot which will give reply to the message you receive. For that this app supports many social media platforms like

1) Whatsapp
2) Whatsapp Business
3) Instagram
4) Telegram
5) Messenger
6) Messenger Lite
7) Twitter
8) LinkedIn
9) Signal
10) Facebook pages manager
11) Viber

Using this app you can also able to activate bot for groups. This app provide many ready made messages. Either you can able to select it or type a custom message.
You can also able to see the statistics of the messages wanted by the bot from this app.
So if you are searching for this type of features, install this app now.



Hi guys, today iam going to introduce an extra ordinary app for you which contain many useful features. Actually we introduce this app for those who love video making and editing. Some people have a craze in video shooting and editing. If you think that it is s simple work, you are wrong then.
Do you know why ? It is definitely a skill. Because while shooting and editing a video there are so many things to take care of.
Because the each and every factors in a video making help it to make it as an awesome VIDEO EDITING TOOL.


So guys, the name of this app is ” VN ” . This app will help you for that. This application contain almost tools and features which a video editing software want.
We only introducing very useful and awesome apps for you through this website. Likewise this app is also an extraordinary one for many people.
This app is also an useful one for the video creators like youtubers. We can also say that you can able to edit the videos like a movie using this app in your smartphone.
Do you think that editing is only compitable for the people who work in this filed ? If you think like that, i will tell you that this concept is absolutely wrong.

Because using this VIDEO EDITING TOOL one who didn’t know about can also able to learn it with the help of tutorials.
This app also provide you many readymade video templates. Did you seen any such features before. The main merit of this feature is you just want to edit small things like texts if you find suitable template for your content.
You can also able to see many beautiful videos from this app which is created from this app. This will help you to take a reference about the newly trends in videos and it will help you to bring particular things in your videos.
This app also provide the professional features like


  • Mask
  • Keyframe animation
  • Chroma key ( green screen )
  • Curve speed
  • Multi layer timeline
This app also support some easy features like zoom in and out timeline, draft saving feature e.t.c.
This app also provide alomost 21 transition between video clips and more than 60 different types of filters.
You can also use the subtitles tool from this app.
So these are the important features of this app. If you want to edit videos in a professional manner with user friendly tools, install this app now.
Thanks for reading.
See you soon.


Inappropriate touches – Touch Protector

Inappropriate touches

Hi guys, what’s up ! Hope you are going good. We all know that the world of apps conquered the world of technology now. Now a days you can able to see apps for almost all type of technological things. People use apps for many purposes in their daily life like browsing, watching useful videos, buying products, chating, designing, capturing and editing photos e.t.c. From this we can understand that apps are the part of the daily life of each and every human being who use a smartphone.

Inappropriate touches

So when we install an app we must consider it’s features like is it a useful one ? What are the features of particular app ? Is that app is compitable with your smartphone e.t.c.
Likewise we know that which are the best useful apps for our readers. And that is what is we introducing through this website.
So today iam going to introduce a very useful app for our readers. The features of this app are really mind blowing. The technology used in this app will help you in many different situations.
The name of the app is ” touch lock ” . Do you know why you want to use this app ?

Like i said above we all are smartphone users. So it is definitely sure that you watch videos and play songs in your smartphone. Sometime when you watch a video, the screen will work due to some inappropriate touches done by you. The truth is it is done by you without listening.
So due to this type of problems the video played by you will be forwarded or backwarded or closed on sometime.
This type of situations will also occured when there is water on your smartphone’s screen or on your hand.

Anyway we want to stop this issue. For that you just want to install this app and use it. This app will help you to prevent inappropriate touches in your screen. So if you enable this feature through this app the screen will not work if you touch on it. Which means you can able to watch videos without any problem. You can also able to use this feature for hearing songs while your smartphone is in your pocket.

For enable this feature, first of all install this app like i mentioned above. Then open this app. After that enable the ” start notification ” option. After your use, open the notification bar and stop the service of the app from there.

This app will also help you to prevent the inappropriate touches done by children when they take your smartphone for watching cartoons.
I think you may understand the features of this app and it’s uses after read this article. So don’t forget to post your feedback after use this app.
Thanks for reading.
See you soon.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Inappropriate touches

Remove Background & Photo Editor

Hi guys, we are live in a world of latest technology including many awesome apps. Now a days applications are available for many things in the daily life of us like order food items, workout assisting apps. Likewise editing is an another world of many outstanding features. So today iam going to introduce an awesome application for you which is really an useful one for many people especially to the people who have a craze in ” editing ” remove the background and compose a beautiful image that showcases your product or model. Choose a white background, or pick any background you want.

Remove Background

The name of the app is ” photo room “. This application will help you go edit photos and make it very great looking.
Do you think that you must want professional tools for edit a photo ? No, you doesn’t need any professional softwares or paid versions to edit your photos.

How To Remove Background

By using this app you can easily able to gave a new and attractive face to your photos.
This app mainly concentrate on background editing and changing of photos. For that this app provide many awesome tools.
This app provide many beautiful templates. You can able to select your favorite among them and add it your photos.
Now you may have a doubt, how can you able to change the background very easily.

In the case of some apps you want to adjust the photos manually. It is really a difficult task and sometimes it may not work well.
But in the case of this app, you just want to select your favourite or suitable template to your photo.

You will create professional images for your website or app in a few seconds. Use PhotoRoom to remove background, add text, or cut out your photo perfectly. Once you are happy with your design, easily export it.
Then you can able to add photos to blank like templates. But in the case of readymade templates, you just want to select the photo in it and choose replace. Then select the photo from your gallery. At that time the selected photo will be replaced there in a correct manner.
So try this app if you are interested in different types of editing tools.

click here to download Remove Background application

Wrong password alarm & Intruder selfie

Hi guys, do you want to secure your smartphone from intruders and from others ? This is a common need of majority people who own a smartphone. Because now a days people keep their most important datas and other private and other informations in their smartphone. So we know that smartphone become a assistant of people’s life other than a device used for calling and messaging.Wrong password alarm
So it is essential to make it secure by and keep safe from intruders, thefts and others e.t.c.

The name of this app is ” lock eye ” . You can easily recognise that this application is related to the lock features when you read the name of the app.This application will help you to enable a feature which will sound an alarm when someone try wrong password, pin number, patters e.t.c on your smartphone.

Wrong password alarm

Main Features Wrong password application

★ Wrong password alarm
★ Wrong password photo capture
★ Anti-spy alarm
★ Anti-theft alarm
★ Intruder selfie

Sometimes we may also provide wrong password accidentally. But in such cases this app will not sound an alarm. It will happen if someone make continues wrong attempts. It is definitely mean that it will be a intruder or a thief.
So when the alarm rings, you can easily able to find who is it. The people around your smartphone can also able to recognize the situation in your absence. When someone tries to unlock your phone, and after a certain number of failed attempts, the app will start an alarm, or silently take a picture.

This app also capture the photo of everyone who provide wrong password. So you can easily able to find who take your smartphone in the absence of you or without your permission.
Iam definitely sure that this is really an useful feature for everyone who own a smartphone. So try this app and give your feedback.

click here to download this app

All your Chats in One Application

Hi guys, what’s up ! hope you are going good. Today iam going to introduce a special application for you and the features of particular application is really interesting and surprising.
Iam definitely sure that all people who own a smartphone must want to install this app because like I mentioned above the features if this app will really help you.All your Chats in One App

All your Chats in One App

I thi k you didn’t understand anything now about the app which we are going to introduce today.
The name of the app is ” DM me ” . Do you understand anything about this app when you see the name of the app. But.don’t worry. I will help you to find more details about the features of this app.

Almost all the people who own a smartphone use the social media apps like whatsapp, facebook, messenger, instagram, telegram, signal e.t.c.
So when there is more contacts in your contact list and all of them use different type s of above mentioned apps what will you do ? Suppose if you want to send an urgent message to anyone and you search his / her name in whatsapp. But you can’t able to find it. That means that person doesn’t use whatsapp. They may use any other alternative apps. So it is difficult to find it and send message to them.

But of you install this app and use it you can easily able to find the app which they use and send message to them. This all show the apps which they use.

MAIN FUTURE All your Chats in One App

  • Quickly jump into chat by tapping a contact
  • Set custom order for each contact
  • Star favorite contacts to keep them at the top of the list
  • Automatically sort contacts you talk to the most
  • Get notifications from all your messaging apps in DMMe
So this app will help you to sabe your time and also send any urgent message very vastly. After selecting the app near the contact from this app, you will be redirected to the selected person’s chat in the selected app.
Try the features of this app now and don’t forget to post your feedback below this article.

CLICK HERE TO INSTTALL All your Chats in One App