Hello everyone, welcome back to another technological update of our website. Today we are going to introduce a very awesome application which has an useful feature.I am definitely sure that you may not install or use such an application before. But when you know more about this application you will definitely install it. Do read this article completely to know more about this application. 

Zfont 3

The name of this application is zfont 3. So you understand anything while you read the name of this application ? I think you may guess that this application is related to fonts. Yes, you are right. Actually this application is related to fonts. 
But the features provided by this application are entirely different and really surprising. I think there are not many such applications which provide this type of features.

Font changer

You may use many different types of font changer applications. But using all such applications you are only able to change the font that you type.
In the case of some other applications you want to type the sentence in the font changer applications and you want to copy and paste it in the appropriate place. All such things are really difficult tasks.
But zfont 3 apk is not like that. You are able to select many different types of awesome font styles using this application. For applying the font styles provided by this app you didn’t want to do the copy and paste task or any such things.

Font changer for all fonts

Before briefing ‘ font changer for all all fonts ‘ I want to tell you something. Like I mentioned above you are only able to change the particular sentence that you type or select by using the majority of the font changer applications. 
But using zfont 3 apk you are able to change the entire font of your smartphone.
That means the default font of your Android smartphone will be changed to the selected font by you from this application.

How to use or apply

First of all install zfont 3 apk from the download now option available below this post. After that open this application and provide permission to the permissions.
After that you are able to see a new page with many different types of attractive font styles. Each font is very special and great looking.
If you want to select any among them and replace with the default font of your Android smartphone you just want to download it. Don’t worry. It is a very light weight file. So download and apply the selected font.
When you complete all these steps and select the phone that you want to replace with the default font of your Android device, you will be unable to see an ‘ A ‘ icon on the upper side of the screen.
While you select it you are able to see the smartphone brands which support this application. They are given below.
1) Samsung2) Xiaomi ( MIUI )3) Huawei ( EMUI )4) Vivo5) Oppo6) Realme7) Techno8) Infinix
After selecting your smartphone brand select ‘ ok ‘ . At that time your smartphone will be reboot. After that you are able to see that the default font of your Android smartphone changes to the newly selected font. So you didn’t want to change the font while you were messaging someone or any such cases. 
Actually you want to root your smartphone to install this type of application. But in the case of the zfont 3 apk application you didn’t want to root your smartphone to install zfont 3 apk in your android smartphone.This application also contain the 

Google fontsDafont1000+ free fonts
This application also supports different types of languages. So this is all about zfont 3 apk. this application at least for a single time and I am definitely sure where you will love it.
See you soon with another awesome app.


editor for Instagram

Welcome back to the tech update of Today also we are going to add another awesome application to the list of applications that we introduced through this website.Guys, what is your opinion about the previous application that we introduced for you ? I think all of them are really useful one for all of our subscribers. This is a world of smartphones. now a days different types of smartphones are released on each day having many different types of awesome features.

So along with that many different types of applications are also released for such different types of smartphones.Likewise today I am going to introduce a very useful for everyone who use smartphone.When we say that this is for the people who use smartphone it is definitely sure that now a days almost 99 percentage of the world population must use atleat a single smartphone.

The name of the application that we are going to introduce today is mostory. if you didn’t get anything about this application while you see the name, don’t worry. Just look at the second word of the name of this application. This application is related to story. Strong means people who use the social media application Instagram will update many different types of stories.
In the case of whatsapp, it is said to be status. But the activity is almost same. But in the case of instagram, it provide many awesome features for help you to make your stories more attractive.
By updating awesome stories you will get more followers also. For that you can use this application.

You can able to use this application for make creative stories. For 
Edit ready-made template
Like I mentioned above this app provide many readymade templates. This application provide many different types of ready-made templates related to many different types of situations.

How to add a photo
You can also able to add photos to the ready-made template very easily. For that select the template which you want. Then click on the ” + ” icon appear below the screen. You can able to select the appropriate photo that you want to add to the template.
Add text
You can also able to add different types of texts in different styles related to the picture through this app. It is a very simple task. 
All the templates are really awesome. So try this app for know more about this app.
Ser you soon with another tech update



Hello guys, what’s up ! Hope you are going good. Are you the daily reader of our website. Then you must know that we only introduce quality applications through this website. So you just want to try all the applications that we introduced.  Likewise this one is also an awesome one.So for know understand all the details of this application, read this article completely.
Every smartphone have IMEI number. If you think that there is no use with the IMEI number, you are wrong. Because IMEI number is very useful and important one in many different situations. So don’t underestimate the value of IMEI number. 


If you lost your someone or it was stolen by someone you can able to trace it with the help of the IMEI number if your smartphone.So by doing this you can able to recover your smartphone.
IMEI number will also help you to that the smartphone is original or duplicate.
That means if you want to buy a second hand smartphone from someone you must want to verify the genuinity of the smartphone which you are going to buy. You can also able to see wheather the warranty of particular smartphone is expired or not.
imei info
Today i’m not going to introduce an application. Actually Imei info is a website and it is the website which we are going to introduce for you.
Do you get any idea while you see the name of this website. If not don’t worry. I will give you a brief about this website. If you are not much intrested while you recognise that this is a website, let me tell you one thing. That is you can’t able to consider this application as just like an application. Because the features provided by this application is not silly. It’s just awesome. You may not see such a website which provide this feature.So don’t scroll this post. Read this article completely to understand the key features if this website

The first feature of this website is IMEI checker. That means by using this website you can able to check the details if your smartphone by just enter the IMEI number of your smartphone.
How to check IMEI
When we said that you can able to understand all the details of your smartphone by enter the IMEI number, you may have a doubt. That is how to find the IMEI number of your smartphone. It is really a simple tasks. You just want to enter a code on your dial pad. The code is given below
You can able to see the device IMEI by enter this code on the dial pad of your smartphone.
After than open the website using the given link. At that time you can able to see a space which you want to paste the IMEI number. Then complete the captcha task. After that click on ‘ enter ‘ .
Provided details
You can able to se almost all the details of your smartphone while you complete all these steps. The first three details provided by this website are given below.
Below that you can able to see the picture of your smartphone.
Then you can able to see some free checks and paid checks provided by this website.
By selecting the ‘ free checks ‘ you can able to see the free checks provided by this website.
Free checks
Warranty & Country & Mi Account Status

Check “Find Device” Status

Phone Blacklist Check Simple

Generate Random IMEI

Check phone number

Paid checks

Xiaomi Country & Mi Activation Status

Phone Blacklist Check PRO


Hard reset
This is incorrect

Report Stolen / Lost Phone

Buy This Phone

Below that you can able to see all the informations of your device. 
This website also support many other different types of checkers. You can try them. Anyway this is really an useful website.It is really an useful one in many important situations.So try this website atleast for a single time and post your valuable feedback.
See you again with another tech update


CPU-Z application

Hello everyone, welcome back to the introduction of an awesome application. It is not free that are you saying this is an awesome application. Because the features provided by this application are extra ordinary. I am definitely sure that you cannot see such an application before in your life and there is no chance to use this application by you in your smartphone before reading this article. The features provided by this application are very surprising and rare. So don’t miss it. read this article completely to understand all the details about this Android application. 

do you get any help about this application while you see the name. I think you didn’t understand nothing about the application now. But there is a hint in the name of this application about the important feature of this application.

That means this application is also act like CPU aur this application I will give you all the details like a CPU or in the CPU. Don’t understand nothing till now ? Don’t worry. I will help you by providing a complete review of this application through this article.
Information provider
While I said that this application is is information provider, that means this application will give you all the details or all the information about your smartphone.
Default feature
You may think that this is a default feature existed in each and every smartphone. But there is a big difference. That means while you find this type of informations on your smartphone using the default feature by entering the code on your dial pad aur through the settings of your smartphone you will only get some basic information and details about your smartphone.
But this application is not like that. This application will provide you A to Z informations of your smartphone. We will give you a brief about the informations that provided by this application about your smartphone.
system on chip

The first information called by this application is the system on chip. It will also contain some sub information like name, architecture, clock speed for each core.
Device informations
The second informations provided by this application is about your smartphone. In this section you can able to see all the important informations about your small phone in brief.They are given below.
ModelManufacturerBrandBoardHardwareScreen sizeScreen resolutionScreen densityTotal RAMAvailable RAMInternal storageAvailable storage
These are the device informations provided by this application about your smartphone.
the next important information provided by this application about your smartphone is The system information.
System information
This application also provide a complete system information of your smartphone in a very attractive manner. They are given below.
Android versionAPI levelSecurity patch levelBootloaderBuild IDJava VMOpenGL ESKernel architectureKernel versionRoot accessGoogle Play servicesSystem uptime
The next information of your smartphone provided by this application is about the battery. It contains all the details about your battery.
HealthLevelPower sourceStatusTechnologyTemperatureVoltage
After that you can able to see the thermal and sensor information of your smartphone.
Online validation
Online validation allow you to store the hardware specifications of your Android device in a database.When the validation become complete, you can able to open the validation URL in your browser.
An email with your validation link will be send to you if you provide your email address.

So this is all about this application. Install and use this application using the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post and post your feedback after use this app.
See you soon with the review of another app.



Hi guys, today I am going  to introduce special application for our subscribers.I am definitely sure that all the features of this application will really you. Because this application provides some extra ordinary features for you. You will really get damaged when you know more about it.

Voice access

Actually this is a voice access application developed by Google. so this application is didn’t developed by any third parties. It is developed by Google. So you can easily able to understand that this application is really and awesome one.

About the features

Thiss application is really an useful one for everyone who own a smartphone. But one of the great attraction about this application is some particular type of people can use this application for a special purpose.Assistant

This application will act like an assistant for some people. That means people like physically injured can’t able to use their smartphone very well. Also must want to use their smartphone for many important purposes. But what can they do for that ? 
They can able to do almost all the activities on their smartphones using their voice.

Google assistan

This app is also like Google assistant and it’s features. But the reality is this application provide more awesome and useful features other than the Google assistant. if you want to open any applications you just want to say to open particular application. For example if you want to open the WhatsApp, I just want to say ” open WhatsApp ” . Thunder WhatsApp application will be open. Likewise we can able to do all the things using your voice commant.
if you want to go to the next page from any particular page, you just want to say that ” tap next ” .
You can also able to use your voice command to go back to home, for back button e.t.c. if you want to scroll a page you are just want to say ” scroll down ” . 
This application also have another awesome feature. That is if you already type a word using your voice command and if you want to change it by saying that replacing the particular word with another word. For example if you want to replace the word WhatsApp to Facebook, just want to say replace WhatsApp with Facebook.
Voice assistant for pc
Actually Google assistant is available for PC. You can able to know almost all the above mentioned things using Google assistant in pc. So the people who use their PC more than their smartphone can use to google assistant for some above-mentioned features.
How to install
you can easily able to install this application by clicking on the ” download now ” button appear below this post.
I am definitely sure that many people are searching for this type of application. So install this application for understanding more about this application and experience the awesome features of this application.
See you soon with another update.


Status saver and deleted messages viewer

Hi guys, it’s not been a while we met for the last time. But today also iam going to introduce another awesome application for you. This is one of the best application we have ever introduced through this website. Actually this is an Android app. The reason behind the majority introduction of android apps through this website is majority people use android smartphone other than ios. That’s why we introduced android apps very much. 
But we also uploaded many iphone tips in this website. You can check it out for more information.

Likewise today iam going to introduce an application which is related to whatsapp. So what do you think now ? This application is suitable to almost all the smartphone users.
Recover deleted messages
If you are a whatsapp user recover deleted messages is a very essential word for you. Because whatsapp bring a new feature recently which help the users to delete the mesages they send to before a particular duration.
While we consider a single part of it, it is really an useful feature. Because if you send a message by mistake to everyone you can able to delete it. It is really a nice feature.

In the case of the people who receive the message have a great curiosity to know what was the message sent by them. This application is very useful one for them. Do you know how ? 
That can I able to recover all the deleted messages from WhatsApp very easily using this application. I’m definitely sure that this is one of the best feature which all the smartphone users are searching for. Many such applications in Play Store I will some other websites. But this is one of the best application among them.
Status saver
Status saver is also a very essential feature which every whatsapp users are searching for.
In the real whatsapp app you can’t able to save the status of your friends and family members. 
But you can able to use the status saver feature through this app. You just want to select the status which you want to save and save it. Very simple task, right ? 
Blank messages
This application also provide the blank message sending feature for you. By using this feature you can able to send blank messages to anyone through whatsapp.
Secret text
Secret text feature is also provided by this application. In short we can say that this application provide almost all the features which is related to whatsapp and useful to whatsapp users.Secret text will help you to hide texts behind another texts.
Other supported applications
This application is also compitable for signal and telegram. So if you are a telegram or signal user you can also able to enjoy this feature in those apps.
Send direct messages
Kidhar house were able to send direct WhatsApp message to any WhatsApp user by enter the number of the people that you want to send message and the message you want to send.
So these are the features of this app. Try it and post your feedback.
See you soon.


Touch Counter Application

Welcome back to another technological update. Today also you are going to introduce and our some application for our subscribers. like all the other applications that we introduced this website this application is also a very useful one.but there is a difference between all other apps that we introduced and this app. I am definitely sure that you are not expect that the difference is the thing that I am going to tell you.there is no chance to see this application or this type of feature before.

Touch counter

I think you are good confused when you see the name of this application. Do you ever seen such an application before ? Do you know what type of features this application provide for you ? 
There is no bulk of features in this application. But the one and only feature provided by this application is really an awesome one. That’s why I decided to introduce this application for you. 
How this app works ?
like i mention about the important feature provided by this application is click counter. Click counter means counting the touches that that you make on your smartphone.
This application will provide the complete details about the touches. They are given below.
Touches on today
Touches on yesterday
Total touches
Most counted touches
Average / day
Total days

This application also provide the details of the touches on every apps. So you can able to see the occured touches on every apps.
Statistical diagram
This application also provide a statistical diagram which show the taxes done by you on your smartphone by analysing weeks months e.t.c.
Majority of our subscribers may not use or install such an application before in their smartphone.

Touch counter for PC

The click counter feature is also available for PC. If it is an application in the case of of a smartphone, it will be a software in the case of PC. There is also many websites which provide this feature. so if you want to use this feature in your PC you can check it out the above mentioned things.
See you soon with another useful application.