Hello, hope you are doing well. Today iam going to share some details of a website called pastedownload.com. This is really a useful website for everyone who use social media applications in their smartphone.
I think you may understand the feature of this application while you see the name of this application.

Majority smartphone users use social media applications like Whatsapp, facebook, instagram, youtube, vimeo e.t.c. While you use the video player applications or the application that provide videos like youtube, facebook, instagram e.t.c you may wish to download videos from such social media applications. You can able to download some Particular videos from youtube.

But you must want to use youtube for watch such videos offline.Watching on youtube while offline bis not a difficult task. But you can’t able to download each and every videos from youtube. There are some restrictions for that. So due to this problem you may not able to download your favourite videos from youtube .
There are many different types of online video downloaders. But majority of them support only a single platform. So due to this you want to use different types of websites or applications to download videos from social media platforms.


But this website is not like that. This website support almost all social media applications. You just want to copy the URL of the video that you want to download and paste it in this website to start downloading videos.This site supports almost 500 platforms. So you can easily able to download videos from all such platforms. If you download videos through this website the downloaded video will be stored on the gallery of your smartphone. So you can easily able to watch it from your gallery itself.

You can also able to download audios from different platforms using this website.
So that’s all about this website. Start downloading videos now using this website. Share your feedback after use this website
See you soon with another tech update.


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