Hi friends,today iam going to introduce a very awesome application.Simply we can able to say that this is a video making application.But you can’t able to consider this app as a normal video editing application.The name of the app is “filmize”.Noe you think that what is the speciality of this app.That is by using this app you can able to create 3D photos and videos.

So by using this app you can able to create 3D videos for social media statuses.This app also support many templates.So you can able to select readymade templates to create 3D photos and videos.
You can able to make any kind if video according to your mood.After creating this app provide you a sharing platform and by using this you can able to share your video into youtube, whatsapp,instagram e.t.c.
For making your photos more attractive one,you can also able to give frame and many different types of effects to your photos.
The rendering time after edit the video is also very short.So if you want to make awesome 3D photos and videos,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.