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Yearly Archives: 2022


Hello friends welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a glorious and advanced level of application that is race max pro car racing..it is absolutely designed for getting more attractive in gaming surface…

This is world renowned for car racing game which provides you a plenty of features and advantages… you will be happy and satisfied while using the application…it is really enjoyable and entertaining….this will be a great option for you to become a part of it.. while it considered as a glorious one to be bulid up for you to entertain your times with us…

The tools for the faming is all about is available and dedicated one to become more fascinated and attractive… no more justification for you can really enjoy it very well as the terms of our application to be bulid up also to be honoured in Just one term… rather than it is miracle one to be impacted…

By using this application you can buy, customize, upgrade and get on the track with awesome cars and replays….so you can enjoy it very well as per the rules of the application..to see it as maintenance of if to be worried or useing one….so you enjoy the variety culture oppressing one and to be maintained as simple way

It allows you to choose your favourite racing type,drift,drag or Street race…beat as per the requirement of the happiness… this really enjoyable and entertaining what you want to be maintained your health and body structure as far they concern to be comes more attractive and inbuild then it is really enjoyable…so

These are relavent and distinguished informations about above mentioned application we hope you all got it well ..we externmaly expect your valuable feedback comments and replays after installing this application…see you soon with next tech update..by


create and use a custom dictionary

Hello friends welcome back to another tech update… hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is TTS lexx..it is formly designed and developed for getting a custom dictionary for you

This is a best quality App which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..we hope you guys got it well..we hope also you will be satisfied and happy while using this application….. you can use this application as a reference for you to use it as a guide and material for you as per the requirement and regards..that is why it will be a pleasurable and momentable for you and for your regarding and related issues

It is World wide Application which allows you to create and use a custom dictionary for speech services by Google…it is most useful for languages with stress mark as Russian, but can also help improve reading in other languages regarding the best one for you…it gives you a pleasure to search The words related to you and you can enjoy it very well without any delay and inconvenience…so please use it as regarding and nominating one…to remark it as choice…

It is most useful for All languages..it support several language…no more worries and more thing to be responsible and reliable for it as it mentioned above to be part of the business and under any complicated situation…no more worries for it so we are ready to be important so vigilant to abuse it for the further details…as they connected to us… when it comes as rediculas and upnormal to do it very well…so it is most wishes to complete and enjoy it very well as per the requirement and regards of it… when it build for you

We ensure highly recommended features and specifications..we also provide fascinating security system for and easy methodology to achieve it as per the requirement and regards… please be aware about it and don’t miss anything what you want to make it easy and complicated for it …we are ready to help you to at any time at any where..so kindly please install and download it for the better experience and well being… one

These are relevant informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application.. see you soon with another tech update…


Android Application Download

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a glorious level of application that is float browser No Ads, floating…this formerly designed for browsing in your favourite website very simply and Quickly..for the better experience

This is a awesome application which provides you a plenty of features and advantages..we hope you guys will be happy and satisfied while using the application..you may wonder about the qualities of it…when it comes to true as much as possible for getting more attractive and so related events as per the modern technology..to impliment it and also to browse it for the extra activities and advanced level of security

It ta very cool app that lets you browse web in floating windo,watch tube video floating windows as per the following requirements and everlasting activites of it…when it becomes more attractive and very adventurous for it…it may consider as far as the possible way to promote the ideas and advanced level of security system for it ..that is why you can enjoy it very well..as far they become more fascinated and attractive

It provides you advanced level of security system….like tube video floating,all website floating,free &No Ads,play next video, moveable tube floating video player..,resizable tube floating video play, play back/browse history,Minimize play,full screen play,well designed play..as far they concern about the qualities of it .. when it goes to come accross the level of application… which will ennact as per the modern concept and rediciulas for the enlasting process of it ..when it comes true for given to be installed and never be lose never can be protected and security system when it may consider to the above mentioned one…so it may consider by getting the more attractive and very adventurous one to be installed and followed by the rules of it… when it comes as for you

We ensure highly recommend features and advantages…we also provide advanced level of security system and necessary precautions..for it .. when it comes to true to your marketing field as per the modern concept and rediciulas for it..so please download the application and use it for the better browsing experience

These are relavent information about above mentioned application..we hope you all got it well..we externmaly expect your valuable feedback comments and replays after installing this application..see you soon with next tech update…


All of your device information in only one app

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update… hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a glorious and advanced level of application..that is spectra device info…it is formed d designed for getting all your device information in one place and clean simply presented

This is a awesome application which provides you a plenty of features and advantages… and you will be protected and secure by seeing the miracles and advance one to be part as per the requirement and we may also like to be part of it..as per the rules of it….. you can enjoy all the application in one frame as the facility provides in one condition as they policies for it..

It provides you all of your device information in only one app,with a simple and easy to navigate UI, spectra shows the following information as basis on the better experience…
It includes device information, system information…, storage information, networking information, wifi and cellular and related…..SO and memory ram info live device sensors information..live device sensors information…live cpu crores speed values

You may wonder by getting the miracles of the happiness and further informations about it…so you can simply manage it as per the rules and regulations of the application… which may to provide the multiple access and advanced for the ultra level and extra ordinary one to be installed and followed by the choice of it

We ensure highly recommend features and advanced level of application…we can to move to further details and also more effective features as per the timeline and more standard for it …when it engaged with time line and also it may not considered as the facility derived by the opportunity and related o e…so kindly download and install it for better experience and further informations

These are relavent information about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we hope you guys got it well..we externmaly expect your valuable feedback comments and replays after using the application..see you soon with next tech update


Recover Deleted Messages

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update hope you guys fine…. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is ghosted hidden chat ..it is formly designed and developed for to read and reply for whatsapp messages as privacy pattern for it…to confirm it as pattern for it

Recover Deleted

This is World renowned Application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..we hope you guys will be satisfied and happy while using this application..this is formly for the privacy of your device and also for your better experience of privacy Of your WhatsApp….

It allows you to generate what you want to enable the requirement and regards of it…when it possible for it…it may consider as per the rules of it when it comes across The level of it….it also allows you to see all messages without informing your contacts that you have actually read those messages..it is the best incognito mode app for whatsapp..it also allows user to view incoming WhatsApp messages without been seen or his privacy violated with hide sequence and related

With hide blush and high level of security related to it ..you Can review and consideration of it whether it consists as per the modern requirement and benefits so…on it may be considered to developed as per the rules of it.. when it considered and developed for it for being no consisting one..that is you can simply mange it when it may consider it WhatsApp for whole team and more brilliant as per the requirement and regards

We ensure highly recommended features and specifications..we also provide fascinating security system and related events even though it will change the perspective of the application and related events as P the rules and regulations of it when it turns as they may occurred for generally speaking mentality

These are available information about above mentioned application…we hope you guys got it well. We also expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application. See you soon with another tech update



Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update… hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a glorious and advanced level of application that is G board..it is absolutely designed and developed for fast and smart typing with emojis,GIFs,and more as per the requirement of it…

It is a world-renowned application which provides you a plenty of features and advantages…we hope you guys will be protected and secure while using this application…no one can to enter to the security system of it.. when it regards for it as much as possible for you…as they regard to develop the idea of it .. whether it concern or it

It has everything you love about Google keyboard speed and reliability,Glide typing,voice typing, handwriting,and more as per the rules and regulations of Google team for the best experience in the way of typing as per the whole entertainment and enlasting quality of it whether you are relavent or not benfiical

This application provides you plenty of features
*Glide typing..it helps you to type faster by sliding your finger from Letter to Letter

  • It provides you voice typing..it easily dictate text on the go
  • Handwriting facility.. you can writin cursive and printed letters…
  • Emoji search… you can find that emoji faster and vivid to become more fascinated by your typing skills and dedicated mindset off another which will deduct so many things as per the requirement of the happiness.

We ensure highly recommend features and advantages… also we provide highly security system and necessary precautions for it no one can to make an access to the application without your permission and consent… that’is why it makes you so vivid and vigilant for it..as per the requirement of it…fo connecting it.. that is why please download and install it for your better tin the way of typing and related

These are relavent information about above mentioned application..we hope you all got it well.
We externmaly expect your valuable feedback comments and replays after installing this application..see you soon with next tech update


Hide Photos And Videos

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update… hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is Hide photos, video and application ..it is formly designed and developed for Hide photos, videos, music,apps,notes on your phone made in India

This is a best and prominent Application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications…we hope you guys will be satisfied and happy while using this application… you can simply Hide your photos and videos as per the possible way for it… .. kindly it will be vivid memories and relevant for it as per The features of it…

It allows you to Hide photos, videos, Apps, Messages, calls in your phone.. completely free and Unlimited as per the possible way for it….it may concern as per the possible way of when it comes across The individual and purpose of it may it will consider as per the rules of the device and establishment of it…this is may protect for it for Hide the proposal for it …

You can Hide photos and videos from your photo gallery and access them easily using a secret pin code…Now you can easily share your phone without worrying about privacy….that is may wonder about the quality and famous for it…. It may consider for to Hide the proposal and pricing for it…. so you can simply create an authentic atmosphere and even very complicated to be make sure that is impossible for it

The application is clearly disguised as audio manager in the App Drawer…disguises itself as an audio manager app which can be used to turn the volumes Up and down..we ensure highly recommended features and specifications we also provide fascinating design and security features… you can simply use it without any delay and inconvenience so please download and install it for your better experience….

These are relevant informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely expect your valuable reply , feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with another tech update